I have some free time so I hold on my second project and create this, it isn’t perfect yet
I prepare to create fully realistic motorbike , my inspiration was movie “MadMax”
Here I have some fun with node editor= reference picture + my model
I have some free time so I hold on my second project and create this, it isn’t perfect yet
I prepare to create fully realistic motorbike , my inspiration was movie “MadMax”
Here I have some fun with node editor= reference picture + my model
Looks cool - nice overlay effect
Can’t wait to see it further - keep going
Some thoughts from a former mechanic and motorcycle rider:
I sure hope that distributor doesn’t start arcing on the outside, if it does you’d have a fried crotch in addition to a misfire! Ouch!
I also think the handlebars should be a bit beefier, and have more clearance from those air intake things, it looks like there’s very little room to swing the bars.
Maybe add a little windscreen? I think that might look cool.
I think the engine block is too smooth. I’ve been thinking a lot about the shape of engine blocks lately, for my Steampunk Willie airship project, and they’re never that smooth. There are bumps and fittings and such all over the place, and the oil pan would be a separate piece.
The hub-center steering is way cool, but the pivot point (I think) should be in the centerline of the tire, or else you’d get some weird steering geometry. I do like the way you handled the mounting for the brake caliper, though, looks cool. Maybe consider a hubless front wheel?
I really like the headers/pipes and the overall look of the bike.
Very neat, keep up the good work!
klaatuteela thanks for advice , some of this thinks are to do now here’s an update
ME likey,
but i dont see how it turns left and right. Especially with that side car not allowing much leaning.
otherwise, its a farking schweet concept.
The hub-center steering is actually a good thing for a sidecar rig, just because they don’t lean. You get weird side forces on a traditional motorcycle fork when you add a sidecar, so lots of sidecars use modified forks if they can.
I like where you’re going with the sidecar, it looks really cool and totally believable. Typically the sidecar wheel is actually ahead of the rear wheel, most sidecar wheels don’t describe a right triangle, but you can really do what you want with that.
Yes indeed, now we’re getting somewhere!
next update:
The row of plants along the left side is a bit linear, but wow this looks good in general. As does the bike, you’ve made great progress with this!
This looks extreemly promising.
Can you share what settings you used for the clean, midday sun lighting effect?
I’m guessing its a direct sun light and some sort AAO setup, but it does look unusually good.
Can you share what settings you used for the clean, midday sun lighting effect?
I’m guessing its a direct sun light and some sort AAO setup
I use simply sun and AAO and a blue sky color,
AAO setup wath this http://www.blender.pl/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=2&topic=3863.0
for learn more ( this is my home forum)
reactivation with a new scene ( first was too big)
render- yafray:D
Is there some generator for the shrubs and stuff???
And what about the ferrari
Is there some generator for the shrubs and stuff???
Plant Studio it’s free http://www.kurtz-fernhout.com/PlantStudio/index.htm
And what about the ferrari
Is done but I make only clay render …today or tomorrow ( I have also a new model of Lotus 49 and Honda RA mixed… I will post a new WIP…soon:D)