[v1.1.1] Archimesh: Architecture elements (rooms, doors, columns, stairs, tile roofs)

*** NOTICE ***
This add-on is now part of Blender official releases. If you want download last versions or report a bug, please uses Blender website.


Recently, I was involved in a project were a lot of architecture elements were necessary, so I decided create an addon to help me.

The addon can create:

  • Rooms
  • House structure (walls)
  • Doors (one and two leafs)
  • Columns
  • Stairs (strait and curved)
  • Tile roofs

Modifiers are used where possible, so you can edit properties after creation. The addon will create cycles material too.

For more information: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQAfj95MdhTJ7zifNb5ab-n-TI0GmKwWQ
Download: https://github.com/Antonioya/blender/tree/master/archimesh

This is the first version, I’m working on more elements and improving the existing ones.

Note: I have not added windows because there is a great addon for that already.


Looks very promising and usefull!
UI thing: Number of walls button could be at bottom, so you dont have to scroll up every time when list is long.

Yes, you are right. I put your suggestion in my list.

1 Like

Thank you! Excellent work!

Very useful add-on… thanks a lot…

omg, this is very usefaull!
I hope for a full support for the future release of blender too!

Testing doors and windows particles and boolean (not applied) all together.
Windows and doors Boolean cutters are boxes (2 objects, many meshes inside object) and every cutter box mesh have one face which are vertex grouped. It is used for particles.


Wow! This looks awesome, thanks for sharing:)

awesome! :wink:
it’s great!
tnx a lot

Thank you very much for sharing this great addon!

outstanding script , gonna be very useful in the future, I,m sure . you can build a whole freakin house with blender alone , ha , I LOVE SHIT !!!. LOL THANKS .

Really good job. I’ve tried the plugin and it works very well and fast.

Thank you a lot for addon and for useful youtube tuts!

Amazing work! Really helpful for interior design. :wink: Thanks.

Sorry I don’t understand the need of this Addon.

All the things you can do with your Addon you also can do with Blender onboard functions and some other Addons.
And I think the workflow is not faster than with onboard functions.

I think everyone has its own library of windows and doors and so on.
Because every country has slightly different construction details. In predefined libraries you never find exactly what you need and you have to do it by your own anyway.

Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Kind regards


I just saw the article on Blendernation- great work!! Can’t wait to test drive it!

Thanks for sharing this very useful addon, that will surely help as too in our creations.
Looking forwards to test it :slight_smile:

I download the zip file,but i can’t install the addon,and i don’t know why?
By the way i followed your install addon tutorial,and noticed that the zip file that you used is 51 kib while the one that i’ve downloaded from github is only 24.8 kib .Thanks for you help.

Did you try moving the file to your Blender addons folder? Here is a test with Archimesh and Window Generator 2.


Post- Compsiter

me too.
The file zip is broken
@Antonoya: can you fix it?