Hi !
I’ve opened files created with V2.43 RC2 in V 2.43 RC3, and also created files from scratch in V2.43 RC3.
In V 2.43 RC3 :
When you create an armature and rotate a bone in pose mode, the reference point for the dashed line is not always the head (Data center) of the bone, but is set somewhere else in the 3D window…
Try to make several bones in the armature,and put them at various places in edit mode, connected or not to each other, in order to check various situations.
It seems that bones not linked to bones starting from the center of the armature have their center more far away from their head…
At first glance, I thought that the dashed line was pointing to the rest position of the bone, but it is not true. I can see no obvious real logic behind the origin of the dashed line.
In 2.43 RC2 the tip of the dashed line is perfectly at the head of each bone.
Please check it !
Tested with V 2.43 RC3 Zip version, on Intel Pentium 4 -2GHz single core. 1.5GB Ram. Running under Windows XP Home Edition. Nvidia Quadro FX 1100 on AGP4X.
That must have been my bad fix you’re seeing. Anyway, theeth just committed an evil hack to get this working for the release.
OK! Thanks a lot !
I have done a very important work in RC2 (I know, working with CVS versions is dangerous… but I wanted to use some advanced features). I think that I should not edit / save these files with RC3 until these problem will completely solved.
Hey Philippe,
Thanks for posting this !
I was working with a scene in RC3, and was getting weird bone / pivot behavior, and thought it was something I had done.
But opeining that same file with today’s CVS, it’s now working normally again.
Windows Build :
Aligorith and Theeth … thanks for the quick fix.
Well, thanks for fixing, but I cant check the build !
Launching the exe file displays a warning message " Application can’t start because of missing file avformat-51.dll"
I have copied all the dll of the previous version in the directory where I have decompressed the Zip file,and avformat-51.dll was not in the previous releases.
I have done a research on my whole computer, and it appears that this dll is not present on my PC… :no:
Sorry !
Sorry about that. That’s part of the FFmpeg library. I knew I should have posted the main page link instead of a direct link to that file
That file is in the ffmpeg_codec.zip on that page.
After installing the FFmpeg files, for future updates, you’ll just need to download the “win32BlenderDDMM.zip” file, which gets updated every 2 or 3 days or so. (Unless the FFMPEG codec zip suddenly gets a newer date )
Thank you ! It works fine now !
Both Rotation around the 3D cursor and The dashed line origine are good.
Well done guys ! :eyebrowlift:
Hi, Well, I’m really sorry, but I have noticed something that seems to be still related to bones center.
Here is an example :
If you switch to camera view by hitting 0 key of the numpad, you will see a close up fo the Piston in orthogonal view.
Now, if you launch the animation,you will notice that the center of the bone named Piston-Axe is not the center of the piston object. As the Piston has a global copy location constraint on this bone, copying position on all axis, it is strange.
The Bone named Bielle has also a Locked Track constraint aiming the Piston center,and at some times, it doesn’t keep the exact direction…
Have I missed something?
Is it a Copy Location (unacurracy) problem ?
Is it a Track To (unacurracy) problem ?
Is it a Bone center position problem ?
I have noticed that if I remove or set to 0 the Limit Location Constraint, the center is kept, but obviously, the Piston goes anywhere istead of moving on Y axis.
I don’t see anything unusual in the behavior of the file
Everything appears to be centered / working properly (tested with 2.43rc3 / CVS).
Maybe you could post a rendered picutre of what you mean.
The center of the bone named Piston-Axe doesn’t follow the Y axis green line.
Select the camera with 0 key and look in close up at the bone origin : it moves on the right of the green line during the animation instead of keeping the line.
It is 02:52… too late for posting a file on my FTP.
I am facing the same problem … I hope there will be a new RC soon as this problem show up in 2.43 RC2 and RC3 where the mouse rotation /scaling pointer is not center to the bone nor armature. It just pop-up in the middle of grid blank space.
I have tested and now waiting for bug fix …