V2.43RC2 - Wrong Bone Rotation selecting 3D cursor

I have encountered a problem in an armature, using V2.43 RC2 :
I get a wrong Bone Rotation when selecting the 3D cursor as rotation center.
The selected bone doesn’t rotates around the cursor.
I have tried all modes (Local,Global, etc…), opening the file with 2.43.RC2 and 2.42a, the problem is the same with the two versions if the file has been created in V2.43 RC2, but if the file has been created with 2.42a it works normally in 2.42a and 2.43 RC2 as well.
Here is a simple blend file made from scratch in V 2.43RC2, with only two bones :
Is it a bug or have I missed something new in V2.43?
Tested on Pentium 4 - 2GHz - 1.5 GB Ram. Nvidia Quadro FX1100 on AGP4x. Running Windows XP home Edition SP1.
If it is a bug, please, can someone report it to the bugtracker ? Because for un unknown reason, I still can’t acces to it… I can log in but once logged, I can’t open the links… :frowning:
Thanks in advance.

I am having problems with the vertex groups not staying on the bones and rotation not working too.

Thanks for your response.
Fortunately, I have not yet encountered the problem with the vertex groups, but I’m very annoyed, because I have spent a long time setting a rig on a complex armature, and I find a bug which doesn’ allow the file working on a previous version… Argh ! :frowning:
Big mistake !

I just tried the vertex group thing and it seems like its something with that blend file. I am on a different computer at school right now with the same version and it working fine.

Took a look at your problem. It existed at least back to 2.41 (the only older version on my Mac), so it’s not new. I notice that your armature is rotate 90 degrees in object mode. That’s what is causing this. Go into object mode and Ctrl-A apply rot/scale. Now go back into pose mode – works fine.

I’ll bet that no one has run into this before because people don’t usually use the 3D cursor as a transform reference for posing armatures. I’m wondering what circumstances have you using that workflow? Not saying it shouldn’t work correctly, but I’ve never done that, either with normal character posing or with mechanical stuff.

@ Harkyman :
1- When I apply CTRL-A to the armature, it works in the example file with only two bones and no parented mesh, but when I have a complete character with a skeleton, even if I unparent the mesh before doing CTRL-A, all the armature is deformed and I cant’ use it any more !
2- Well, you are right, the way I discovered the problem is doing something unusual.
I am trying to find the most simple and efficient rig for character animation.
I have already spent a lot of time on it, and I’m currently working on a rig using Inverted hierarchy. This kind of rig has the IK solvers in the hips, and the Head of the chain in the feet.
The main advantage is that it is very easy to lock the feet on the ground and you don’t have to use a complex setup with many constraints. But as the bones are pointing backward, some of them, like the heels, have to be rotated using the cursor !

I know that this thread is already a week or two old already, but I’d just like to mention that I’ve fixed (or at least significantly improved) the behaviour of this in cvs. :wink:


Yeah ! Thanks a lot, because I was a bit worried about that ! :slight_smile:

Hmm… looks like my fix didn’t totally make this problem go away. Anyways, theeth is looking at it now, so I guess it will be fixed.


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Two big brains in a Blender !
We are safe :yes: !
Edit :
Well, not sure…
There is a new strange thing in armatures.
Please read my new post written after testing V2.43 RC3 :
Thanks in advance.