V7X Sci-Fi Level: IMOD Shader-Upgrade w. osc. Colors

Req.: R. 9500 or GF FX. No MX.

The file demonstrates how to apply shaders in-game. The generated laser beam sends two concentric rings from the muzzle to the target. The color of the rings is heavily rainbow-like oscillating. The inside of the partially transparent muzzle is also animated. Should help against Borg.:slight_smile:

You can adjust duration, length of the rings, color etc. Play with the shader parameters. You can also apply variations of the shader to other objects for example the generator columns. Try it and have fun. Level by Ven0mSevenX.


screenshots pls? it’s cool to see them before anyone goes to the trouble of downloading your file… you can host images at imageshack.com… sounds good tho!

Thanks, you’re right (especially for those with shaderless-cards)


That’s a pretty interesting shader = ) However, it seems that everything else has a specularity value that’s been set a bit high. It makes everything shine a bit too much.

It makes everything shine a bit too much? Sorry, i don’t know what you mean. How should it influence the rest of the scene? That seems to be BLENDER related. My shader should in no way influence other materials. Please elaborate. Screenshots?

Screenshots from my comp added:



Look in the upper right hand side of your screenshots and you will see what I mean by “shiny”. Everything in the scene seems to have taken a higher specular value due to the fact that “Use Blender Materials” is enabled. It’s not your shader’s fault. I wonder if there’s some way to disable the specularity because it makes the seams in the skybox visible.

I somehow have the feeling that its related to all these transparent materials. They are very good even without shaders, excellent work V7X. We should sort that out before i release the vertex shader upgrade for the IMOD (Alphaversion already shown by the screenshots, just in case you’ve noticed). Any proposals?

If you are using Blender Materials, you could select “Shadeless” on your skybox to eliminate the seams.