An old inspiration and three full working days. Meet Valvulado, an analogical robot who wants to get upgraded.
Hey this is nice CC! The poor little guy is thinking…hmmmm I wonder if that state of the art robot hand comes in green:)
Great job on aging the robot, and a you came up with a funny idea.
If I had to offer any critique, it would only be those two upper spotlights could use some kind of mounting hardware. You may actually have that but the camera angle is such, that it looks like they are floating somewhat.
Good to see you back CC, and I bet your country is breathing a sigh of relief after their last soccer match.
Hey Harley, thank you. Yes, you are right that lights are floating. I’ll fix them.
Argh, that match almost gave me a heart attack
great idea and nice work!!!
Thank you headheld :eyebrowlift:
Hi CC,
great job and very nice idea,
what I think is that lighting could be better, maybe less diffuse and bright, the sun looks quite down on the horizon so it could be plausible; this way you could also make the reflected light from the showcase (and the spotlights inside it) more evident.
Good luck to the team of Brazil, after the poor figure of my team I cheer for them.
Keep it up,
Hey Paolo,
Thank you for advices. Yes, lighting could be a problem when you don’t have enough experiences with. That is my case.
haha… What a pity. Io sono mezzo italiano (my great grandfather came from Vêneto) and I was sad when nostra Itália came out of the competition.
No problems, ce lo siamo meritato!
I’m pleased to know that we have some origin in common.
I guess you’re using an HDR for lighting, in this case you could try to add to the texture some color correction node, such as Curves, though I’m not sure whether it works with high resolution image but it worth a try.
EDIT: but you do not have to follow my advice, just follow your taste!
Really cute picture! Like the others said, it maybe needs a couple of things done to it, but I love the camera angle and the robot…and the idea overall. Nice job!
Oh yes Paolo, I’m using a HDR image to light this scene. I’ll do some tests here with color correction like you said. I hope it’s easy to find a good tutorial about this.
Hey Vicky, thank you for your nice comment. I’m trying to get better results and I have so much to learn yet. Your advices are so much important to me.
Good work.
Really nice and lovely. It’s impressive how you can see the little robot’s desire. Well done.
Thank you Madrid82 and friend minoribus. I’m really glad you liked it.:o