Watch the Animation:
Reminds me of the combining jets from Robotech Mospeda, which is an immediate fond memory! Is there a non-instagram version of the video, as IG demands a profile for me to watch it there…
Here’s the video on Youtube. It’s nothing much, just a short test render of the water simulation from Liquigen.
Cut the modesty, that thing looks cool af
that is really really cool, the shading of the ship it’s self, and of the water is spot on. the only that i would add if i was to do this, is some noise modfiers to the ship, as it is coming up, just to give it a little bit more of a convincing motion
Sounds good, I’ll do it on the full animation. Thanks.
Thank you!
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
Impressive work!
I sure hope there’s no pilot in that ship when it takes off…
looks great only thing that sticks out to me is perfect symmetry. i thnk maybe adding some assymetric details would help