Variable animation/ simulating angular Velocity


in the development of my kitesurfing game I came to a point in which I believe that the animations are too stiff.
In my game you perform a trick by pressing a key-combo (eg. a+w+d+s+space) and then the trick animation is played.
This looks great but it will always happen the same situation, the trick will always look the same.

So now my aim is to change that trick-system and instead of using a firm animation, I need the animation to be played according to the input before the jump. A good example is supreme snowboarding:

What I’ve tried was to use now the physics object itself and apply angular Velocity. But that won’t work in my game due to various factors.

I have an invisible physics object and the board modell (with no physics but responsible for the animations) parented to it over a lot of empties which all play an important role for the whole behaviour.

Is there a way to “simulate” the angular Velocity in an animation?
The only thing that comes to have the animation played with a property, but then the animation would still be always the same…

I guess there’s no real solution for this and I should have thought of it right from the beginning while developing the whole thing

use a few different sets of ik, and change the weight of the IK based on some values, like leaning more left IK, leaning more right ik,

basically they are just another set if animation handles you animate, then set the ik solver value to zero,

in game you can mix the inflences to get a variation.