Kind of funny… seeing these reactions, especially after @ndy’s 
anyway, as usual, long reply ahead, it just cant be helped… 
I seem to be misunderstood once again, there are only two images that were rendered with blender directly, and no yafray images at all. All the others are my own rendering experiments with programs I created, just prototypes to see if anything was a viable coding idea for either yafray or blender.
And most of those failed, but I kept it around just in case I might be able to improve on these things later, which didn’t happen, and now pretty much is too late anyway.
I’m just a hobbyist, I haven’t been to college or anything, in fact had only elementary education, and while things were fun and relatively easy in the beginning days of blender, nowadays things are getting much more serious and very much more difficult for me to keep up with.
I really think my blender days are numbered, as far as development is concerned anyway, not that I have anything else to contribute…
Of course, there is this last big project I have been working on very hard since late 2005, if it is going to be a part of Blender I may still be around for a while, but I think my code will only serve as a possible example to improve on it for anyone who might pick it up maybe.
There is the possibility that it may well be another failure, and to say that that would be a disappointment is quite an understatement… but nevertheless a possibility I have to take into account 
As for the rest, well, the end of the beginning is finally in sight, I’ll try to clear things up as soon as possible, but that might still take a while, and I sure want it to be more exciting than just a gray plastic suzanne…
Maybe I’ll ask around for some modeling wizardry soon…
So, anyway, if the gallery wasn’t boring enough, then this post sure was… my longwindedness is incurable 
So if you are now reading this sentence, then you probably just skipped ahead 
Thanks all and bye for now…