[VDBLab] Addon[$] to easily create explosions in Blender!

User Guide:

Where to get it:


cool, this addon lock awesome!

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Some Examples:

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This addon is not the typical addon just to load vdbs and config the material, with this addon you can create your own explosions and / or explosions imported from presets.

You can also learn by looking at the settings that were put in each preset to see how they are made or by watching the User Guide, or the tutorials that will be ready soon on Youtube. You can also modify those presets or create your own.

With this addon facilitates the whole task of creating an explosion made easy from start to finish. creation of the emitters, creation of the fluids, creation of the forces, creation of the domains, configuration of the material, etc…

The explosion presets are saved in folders so that you can create a .zip file and share it with the community or with yourself easily, to create your own library. More presets will be added over time.

VDBlab has a non-destructive workflow that can be changed all, at any time.

Another small example in 4k: