vehicle: futuristic tank


a WIP of the first vehicle I ever attempted to make :slight_smile:
modeled and rendered with blender, post processed with PSP7
(sorry if the image is too large)
c&c more than welcome
just a few points I already know myself:

  • improve integration with background picture
  • fix shadow of right ‘tire’
  • …

anyway, still haven’t finished all the modelling, let alone the texturing, but was already quite proud :smiley:
and yes, it will have to be automated, cause I also don’t know where a driver and gunner could take place :wink:


Looks radical. The main thing though that is off is that the resolution of the tank and the background do not match. perhaps you could fix your background image in GIMP or photoshop.

this really is a great start. :o

The one thing it needs is more detailing, do this and it will be loads better…

Wow you did a great job on the buildings in the background…and that dirt texture!! Its so realistic! :wink:

I think that your tank needs to have a lot added to it in the way of bumps and rivets and what not. I’d also tone down the lighting slightly.

The tanks model is very good, now it needs some bump mapping in dirty textures.

looks cool, I agree with all the other comments, and maybe add some blur to the back of the photo, so it looks like the tank is in focus.


er… add chips and general wear and tear… even if it’s a tank that fires lazers then you’re gonna get scorches… even straight off the production line some clutz is gonna have dropped a wrench on it :stuck_out_tongue: a wrench that fires LASERS! YES! because it’s a futuristic tool… all tools in the future will remain the same… just with the added feature of laser fire.

I can respect your view Desoto, but me doing that actually got me working on something… wouldn’t really thought anyone would mind… adds abit of comedy into the world… links still here for anyone…
it’s not my photo btw ->

What the hell is that garbage burnhard? Could you please remove it from someone else’s thread?

well i like it, and i just noticed that the inside of the track doesnt look that good, you should tone down the bevel on that.

my rule:

if youre going to bevel (which you should) you should keep your bevels UNIFORM i.e. the same size

now give us an update!

Thx for the comments 8)
Modron: I know the integration with the background pic isn’t very good, but it was just a test; don’t even know if it will be used in the final render :wink:
M@dcow and Desoto: more detailing coming, but in my head I’m thinking of a partial overhaul of the design, so I’ll finish that part first
Hippie and burnhard: I know, have only gotten to the modelling part yet :smiley:
GFX Idiot: I think the final composition will be quite different than this one, so the tank will definitely be more the focus of the render; as for the beveling, damn that will be hard :frowning: problem is I only use 1 technique: subsurfed polygon extrusion and the thing with this is: I kinda quickly loose the overview of my entire model; oh well, thought about redoing the track anyway :wink:

hope to give an update soon, but it’ll probably be a couple of days before I do


Okay, just to prove I’m still working on it, here is a Yafray shot of my partly renewed tank (though it no longer really looks like a tank). Middle part is of course ‘under construction’. :wink:


Tracks are much better on this!

Main body could use some bevelling


Great work. The tracks look fantastic on the new version.

Keep on going.


Treads definately look better, but still unlike any I’ve come in contact with.

Which may, of course, be a good thing…

(My grandfather had several tracked vehicles, including a Nodwell)

Love it, but a tank has no soul without a main badass gun :)… imho atleast. Also some beveling would do miracles…

I think the treads look really nice.

like einar said, i think you should make a really big gun in the center. the two smaller guns look like they should be off to the side bit.

I hope your’s turns out well. I’m trying to build a tank as well right now (though its going to hover as i really don’t want to have to deal with the treads motion when i animate, they’re going to be alot of them, my cousin says im copping out but hey %| )


here is another shot; just playing around with some ideas before I start detailing the main body

just a quick question, I use a level 2 subsurf and with Yafray it really shows (see backdoor); so it seems Yable doesn’t calculate the normals well; anything I can do about this?


turn the subsurf button on, then press alt c… your mesh now has all the faces from subsurf, without sub!

PS: starting today to use yafray, so i dont know of other way to do this

I did as you suggested; it’s improved, but not perfect yet
oh well, will mess with it some more later on
