vehicle: futuristic tank

Looks great ! Eagerly awaitng a more detailed main body :wink:


another update; started detailing the front of the tank


well this sure beats my tank that I tried a good while ago :wink:

awesome detail and modeling!


This is an awesome model. I canā€™t wait to see what you do with it.

I did like that first tank though, the overall form had a lot of potential.

A Norwell eh? I saw one of those on a trailer outside a motel I was staying in on a trip across Canada, and I took some sketches and tried to model it (couldnā€™t do much detail on my archaic computer). I thought it looked so awesome. So thatā€™s a Norwellā€¦

excellent :smiley:

  1. unless its an anti aircraft tank, id have the gun pointing forwards instead of upwards.

  2. how did you do the tracks? please dont tell me you moved each segment one by oneā€¦

  3. regarding subsurf, yable exports the mesh on what ever the subsurf level is in the 3d window, NOT the rendering subsurf level. so crank up the subsurf level no your 3d window just before rendering, and dont forget to hit autosmooth in the yable options.

Looks great,ā€¦one crit though: The guns need some kind of mechanism to pivot on, otherwise aiming would be difficult.


Yeah, we lived in Alaska at the time, and he used it for goldminingā€¦

Interesting tidbit is that his had a Dodge van body on it :smiley: Been thinking about modeling it ever since I rediscovered the lego tank tutorial about a month agoā€¦

Alex: A Norwell eh?

Uh, looked for some images on a Norwell. But except the threads, i donā€™t really see the likeness :wink:

Modron: The guns need some kind of mechanism to pivot on, otherwise aiming would be difficult.

I know, I made some designs about the pivot, but havenā€™t decided yet :smiley:

GX Monkey:

  1. unless its an anti aircraft tank, id have the gun pointing forwards instead of upwards.
  2. how did you do the tracks? please dont tell me you moved each segment one by oneā€¦
  3. regarding subsurf, yable exports the mesh on what ever the subsurf level is in the 3d window, NOT the rendering subsurf level. so crank up the subsurf level no your 3d window just before rendering, and dont forget to hit autosmooth in the yable options.
  1. to be honest, I really though about making it an anti aircraft; but again: i havenā€™t decided yet :wink:
  2. uh, aarrggh, I modelled 1 segment, then duplicate, move, ā€¦ I know I know, I shoulda used dupliverts with rot on, but hey :-?
  3. aha, didnā€™t see the autosmooth in yable, thx


another small update
note too happy with the gun yet :-?


No, not yours, Crimson13. The Nodwell I tried to make.

Well, the tank is light-years ahead of what I could do, but I can still crit right?

I think that although it looks awesome, the parts donā€™t seem to go together right. The back looks like itā€™s from a different vehicle than the front (IMHO). Perhaps when the texture comes along itā€™ll look better.

Good stuff.

The tank is simply getting better and better, I suggest you make the two existing barrels smaller and mount a HUUUGE badass, cannon-ish gun at the center :).


I like your model and render very much. It brought a smile to my face. I can tell you are having fun with this project. Keep working hard.

When you get ready to texture your model take a look at this thread from CGTalk. Its for a 1943 Military Ambulance from the CG short movie Code Guardian. The artist offers a few texturing techniques. See page 3. You might also want to see his site

Another Good Portfolio is Movkup.

Lastly Dangerussā€™ Vehicle: Fantasy Light Armor thread - CGTalk.

Keep going I think your tank can rival those works.

wauw, ec2, thx a lot for those links
Iā€™ve been following cgtalk for some time now, but hadnā€™t come across those two yet

anyway, because of my unhappiness with the back part, I partially reworked the design to an anti-aircraft vehicle, using some of the elements from that ā€˜light tank vehicleā€™ you mentioned
enjoy :wink:


No problem, crimson13. There is a lot of talent out there, I thought you might benefit from seeing those works.

That is a nice update. Hopefully you are saving your work in stages and can render the different designs youā€™ve posted throught the WIP stage.

I canā€™t wait to see how you texture this.

Any updates on this?

nuff said?
sorry, Iā€™m pretty much happy with the modelling, but have not had any inspiration for texturing it
maybe soon (or a bit later) :frowning:


forgot this
here is the blend file if anybody wants to gove it a go :-?


Understood. No need to have the sad smiley face. It happens to all of us at one time or another. Good modeling job in any event!

I might play with the file if I get the chance to.