vehicle physics

So i am testing a crude way to make vehicles for games… So i am testing it now. And you can get the file here Download
Download V2
Download V3

I will bring more tests later, but this has:
A very unpolished car
A ugly looking but more fine tuned handling Motorcycle…
A no-driver motorcycle
A tank
no new vehicles

more vehicles and tests later…

Tips an tricks
WASD - drive
Q,E,X - lean to different directions with the moto
Q,E - turn tank cannon
F - fire tank cannon

  • The vehicles are in different scenes

POSSIBLE future stuff:
-a plane of some sorts
-A boat(??)(needs some figuring)
-a miniracer for 2p

But for now enjoy

(P.S kiitti hei kokeilkaa jookosta! for finnish people only. that message i mean :slight_smile: )

EDIT: here was a text where i figured out multiwheel setup… well it’s out of date now, since kirado helped me to make nice wheels


-added more wheels for vehicles. It works much better now
-added no-driver motorcycle (testing)
-added a tank

Q,E, turn tank cannon.

oops, i forgot to make the cannon shoot. Well, next release then :o

-more wheels make the car move better and faster. Small hopping still occurs sometimes.
-I really need to polish the first car. The tank is good and moto is good ENOUGH.
-This still needs overrall fine-tuning and experimenting

But for now Rock N’ Roll! :RocknRoll:

Make the friction on the wheels and the ground higher. That is why they are just spinning and not moving the car well.

Hmm! Keep it coming! I want to see more dev on this, good job!

hey thanks, the friction helps a little bit… atleast in my experience…

you need to use cylindrical bounds on your wheels to stop the bouncing… on your tank you have convex hull polytope set… eg when you make a rolling sphere you don’t actually use the geometery of the object to calculate the collisions you use a sphere bound which is more accurate… same applies to car wheels… anyway that should help a lot

Hey thanks Kirado, that helped a lot!

And i noticed another problem, which was really dumb… I will be ashamed about that for a long long time… (well maybe the next three days) :o

I noticed, that my wheels aren’t in the exactly same height… this means that some of the wheels dont even touch the ground… heh… heh… heeeh… :o :smiley:

Oh, Me Dumpster!

glad I could help… with the new show physics visualisation option you can see if the cylinder bounds are lined up correctly…

Please can you let me know how to stop the car fallinf through the track!!

Do you mean it instantly sinks off the track or after some driving?

Have you got 2.43 RC1?

UPDATE 3: Oh Me Dumpster!

fixes and updates
-tank fires (F key)
-much more nicer driving, thanks to Kirado’s help
-and some small fixes…
Download ^^

Have a nice day!