This is the Venterfacies. He’s a rather stolid character who just plods through the doldrums of his meaningless life.
I plan on doing a high poly version in sculpt mode and use that to make a normal map for this resolution. no specific plans for him. maybe a quake character or something
I’m going to say now that I think it’s awesome.
Why thank you, BlackBoe.
Can anyone tell me how to find out my polygon count? I’m sure its probably something obvious i am missing. i scanned through the hotkeys section in the ref guide and couldnt find anything
On the topright, “Fa:number”… the number of the faces, aka polygons. =)
thanks. thats for the whole scene isn’t it?
Yeah, it is. If you want to find out the number of polys for a particular object, open it up in edit mode.
yep it is for the whole scene. but can yea can select one mesh and go into edit mode to find out each object
I like those feet…its cute…
He’s not done yet, but i decided to try and figure out how to do the normal maping. I had some problems until i figured out i needed to invert the red rather than the green channel
heres a 3.6 MB cenepac rotation video if you want to see it
lol wtf??? thats all i got to say
thanks ecgilboy
i’ll take that as a complement, vitaliy
he had a tie and hat, but i forgot to save and blender crashed
Thats like such a wacky character, man!
Good work.
Thanks Blenderist
I have been using the multi resolution mesh option, but at 4 levels it bogs down really bad and gets klunky. Its not the polygon count, because I can freeze it and have no problems at all with the poly count. It has to be something else. Its frustraiting because I have a new computer with a core 2 duo and 2 gigs of ram…
I decided to return my attention to this guy. The modeling is basically done.
High res on the left (90,000ish quads) Lower on the right (5600ish)
Early textures and a little tweaking of the model
neet, at first glance there are little differences between the low res and high res version. That’s rather cool. The low poly looks actually high poly…
I’m not sure those clothes suit his style though. It looks like he’s wearing a thong rather than a tie. If you want him to look distinguished, you should at least give him pants, and maybe a top/shirt. Well, my 2 cents anyway.
Thanks. The effect of making low poly look like high is the beauty of normal maps. You should look into it.
I wasn’t really going for “distinguished,” more silly or pathetic. I think the idea of this weird looking creature having a desk job and trying to fit in but not quite getting the uniform right is amusing. If no one else does, oh well. I’m used to being misunderstood :eyebrowlift2:
very cool character. Have you thought about giving him a wrist watch? for some reason I think that he looks like the type of creature who would compulsivly check his watch while at work. maybe its the expresion on his face that made me think that.
Well, my only additional prop plan had been a briefcase, but I like your watch idea. I might just do that.
unsolicited avatar comment warning Tetsuo was a weird movie.