versing-with blender

hey guys,

how do i set up a verse server. i opend a CV build with verse in it and its got Get servers as an option and has servers listed in it. is it possible to puy my machine in the list and allow people to join me? or do i need to go through one of these servers…

also i was wondering if anyone is up for a verse session, just open a scene and start creating, see were it goes :slight_smile:

any feedback would be good

I don´t know what that is? What is a verse server?

@ozo: as always, a search engine is a useful tool.

Here’s what I came up with:

Thanks Charlesworth999, so basically it´s an online hub that people can log into. I learnt something today, thanks again.:slight_smile:

Hey if your still monitering this post, and if you’ve figured out how to use Verse (because I havn’t tried it yet since I havn’t found anybody to try it with) will you tell me how to get it running and if you will work with me. Its sounds awesome making something together so please write back soon and I hope I can work with you on something in Verse!


to get verse running all you need to do is this;

  1. File>verse>get servers
    If you go to the outliner in and make sure your viewing the outliner
  2. select verse servers from the drop down menu

3.once blender has found the verse servers it should tell you in the command prompt window (black and white text window thing).

  1. righ click on the servers you want to connect to in the outliner and click connect.

  2. then were it has got verse servers, click on it and select verse sessions. now click on the arrow next to the server IP address and a selection of verse sessions become avaible, they will be called cube.001 etc etc.

to subscribe to a model right click on it and select subscribe.

to share a model click on the model in object mode and then go to Object>share at verse server

thats it :slight_smile:

Cool, a blender party, in blender :slight_smile:

I want to set up verse at work, so we can work from home, or the office.

all the demo videos are great looking I see on You tube.