I have been playing with the new sculpt tool the past few days and have encountered a few issues of stability. I have created a mesh which has around 58k verts. Real time manipulation of the mesh and sculpting and such are very fast and responsive. When I attempt to enter edit mode though and select an area of the mesh to seperate, the program crashes every time after the seperation. Is this a limitation of the program? I’m running on a p4 3.2ghz processor with 512MB of ram.
Ok, I found out why this is happening. Do not try to seperate a mesh that has multires levels, lol. As a note, delete multires does not delete it, it applies it.
there is no limit for the softwear, its all ur computer
for example my computer can handle about 300k verts…
And mine 1.5 milions. Core2Duo 2GHz, 2G RAM.
Mine can handle 500k but with some lag… after about 700k the lag gets quite bothersome.
Windows crashes if blender uses more than 1.5gb of RAM, so my tirangle limit is around 10 Million (at around 1-3fps ) in XP, in Gentoo, I can hit 15million no problem, but it just gets insanely slow…
system: Core 2 Duo @ 3.00Ghz | 2GB PC 8000 | Geforce 7950GT
1 gig ram, I can sculpt with about 3 million for a single object. I think I’d hit a limit at about 4-5, but my graphics card couldn’t handle it.