After you click the “paint button”, there are 3 “copy” buttons appear at the buttom, where is the “paste” button then?
Copy VertCol, looks to me it will copy the vertex color, how do you paste the vertex color?
also, for the sharing edge, can you assign one vertex color to the left, the other vertex color to the right? or you have to detached the vertex, assign 2 different colors, and attach them back together?
It’s not copy as in copy/paste. Those three buttons takes the settings of the active face (they only work in Face Select mode (Fkey)) and apply them to the selected faces. The Active face has colored borders.
Colored border is the effect I want, however, it seems that you can’t have both, I mean after you assigned face color, exit the face mode, enter the vertex paint mode, and try to add some vertex color, it will get rid off all the colored borders. It would be nice if you could still keep the shape colored borders. Am I missing anything here? Or this is the limitation of the Blender?