Vertex isnt affected by weight paint

Hello. I am doing standard weight painting on this mesh and I cant subtract this 1 vertex from any bone. This 1 vertex is getting affected by different bones and no matter how I try to paint over it it doesn’t get affected by Add or Subtract. The same issue is also happening on the other arm which is a symmetrized mesh and armature.

It looks like you have subtracted the influence of that bone you have selected (went from red to blue), but it must have weight influence from a different bone. You will have to select all the bones one by one and make sure there is no weight on them.

So I went through every bone and made sure there were no weights on that 1 vertex. But the issue I’m seeing is weard when I paint in hand.L it also adds the value to the hand.R bone, and when trying to remove the influence the hand.R bone has on hand.L it’s affecting the influence for hand.L as well.

Btw Im painting with auto normalize disabled because otherwise its not fully painting in the blue area on the palms.

Turn off the x symmetry option