Vertex moving along edge

how can i move the vertex or one handle along the edge? i get crazy with this snapping…

thanks for help!

line2.blend (916.1 KB)

IDK if it’s possible to make it with the line element, but it’s possible to make it when working with Mesh. You need just to select your vertex, then hit G twice

I’ve probably found something similar to your question, you can give it a try:

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Just read about this.


dont understand…what do you want to say with the first sentence?

your right, with mesh it works with gg…

handle local orientation is a cool idea, thanks for the tip. the hook thing is a bit a hack…

looks cool,thanks… if i need it more often, i will buy it

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Not for Bezier splines right now, only POLY (but NURBS work too) right now.


oh yeeees :star_struck:…, best and easiest i found just now…its in the article totally below… its the thing with subdivide and move the new vertice along path…then dissolve the vertices you wanted to move…thats so fast and easy…i love it cause it also works if the part of the curve is rounded… the other workarounds only work because its a straight line inbetween…