Hey there, I’m trying to snap vertices to points from another mesh in X-Ray
I feel like this used to be possible, but now it’s not snapping to vertices occluded by another mesh anymore.
Anyone else experiencing this, or know a fix?
Hey there, I’m trying to snap vertices to points from another mesh in X-Ray
I feel like this used to be possible, but now it’s not snapping to vertices occluded by another mesh anymore.
Anyone else experiencing this, or know a fix?
If got you right, you want to connect vertices of one mesh with another, is that right?
If so, you need to select both of those meshes, switch to the edit mode, select both top vertices from one mesh and all bottom ones from another, RMB and then try to do your vertex snapping.
I tried and got something like this one:
Blender 3.6.0
No, it’s simpler than that, I just want to move the selected vertices to the same height as the points I pointed to.
This is a known bug in 3.6
It’s the occlusion part that I’m talking about:
What great timing! It had been bothering me for days and I about to ask myself. I wasn’t able to find any report of the bug on https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues, should I make one there or has it already been taken care of?