Vertex weight value to texture nodes

Hi, I’m working on a render that uses the vertex weight proximity modifier.
I want to use the weight paint as a mask in-between materials.
How do I achieve this?

I’m trying to follow the instructions here but I don’t seem to have a value option under my geometry nodes modifier so that I can select my vertex group :frowning:

ss from the solution given from blenderstackexchange:

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Figured it out!

Step 1:
add a geometry node modifier

Go to the geometry nodes tab and add two sockets one input socket and one output socket

Make sure you set the type to float

I renamed the sockets to weight and weightttt in the picture

Now connect the sockets:

Click on this:

Select your vertex group

Add a name to your output socket I used the word ‘weights’

go to your material nodes tab
add an attribute node and type the same name you typed in your output socket (mine is ‘weights’)

Now you can use the node however you want!

Sorry It’s really basic but I’m a beginner to geometry nodes so I made these instructions for any beginners like me who are stuck here