
how can i add simply a vertex point?
secondly how can I add this point to a mesh. linking with one or more existing
vertice points?

Well, you really want to try the beginner tutorials. Or, who knows any more. That should be method 101 if those are still up there.

To add a single point to an existing mesh, i.e. a plane, Tab into edit mode for the plane, hold down the Ctrl key and right click the mouse. To extend a line from an existing point, first select that point and then Ctrl-click to add the new point. To extend a range of points, select the points and Ctrl-click.

Learning that bit if info made my day, once upon a time.:slight_smile:

I just did a bunch of mesh cleanup, and did this allllllllllll day. Also, shift-right clicking on two dots and then pressing F joins them.