Vertice movement question...

Is there a tool in blender where when you move one vertice the other follow. For example, grab a little of your skin and pull up. The other skin around the grabbed area follows to an extent. Is there a tool like that in Blender? I think i remember it being mentioned somewhere…far…far…away…i think… :slight_smile:


yes…opens blender to find out the exact location and button

ahh…here it is.

Proportional Vertex Editing…The button is right next to the Edit Mode Button (above Display Button on the basic Bar thing)…Enter edit mode and click the thing that looks like a grid. You can also press the O button within edit mode and then Shift+O to switch between sharp falloff and smoothe…

Thanks alot!

It worked? Ok…No Problem

With Numpad+ and Numpad- you can change the “Circle of Influence”