Hey folks,
I’m building a model of a fairly complex shelf system. The left and right sides had some intricacies to them and during the build process I cut off one of the sides (i.e. removed all physical attachments to the main object, however it’s still all one single object) and moved it away from the rest of the model and built it out there. I then duplicated it and flipped the duplicate and moved it and the duplicate to the sides of the shelf. When moving them, I just placed them in their spots (i.e there is still no physical attachment as I’m not sure how to do that…so if you looked real close they’re technically just floating).
When it comes to textures, this method has proved to be an issue. I added an armature bone because the export requires there to be a bone if you want the textures to render. I then selected all (including the sides) and parented them to the bone with automatic weights. I added a material with a texture and assigned them to all while all were selected. However the sides don’t render. I believe it stems from a warning I’m getting during the export stating “Mesh contains vertices with zero bone weights”, which in the past when this has occurred prevented those parts of the model from rendering with the texture. I imagine (but don’t know how to confirm or to fix) that the sides have zero bone weights.
Any advice or suggestions that can be given? Do my sides need to be physically attached? If so, how can I go about doing it (I tried fill but it didn’t seem to be working)? Any help is much appreciated!
(note: I’d upload my .blend model but it’s confidential material for my employer…thanks for the understanding)