Vessel, a Cycles study + FREE download

“Vessel,” a little experiment I did last weekend while contemplating on some philosophies by Bruce Lee.

Bonus points if you know the music video I got the visual inspiration from. :wink:

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More info at

Download the scene at

All your work are very spiring Reynante, I 'm sure I will learn much, study hard all that content you share, for improve much more my work.

I have a question: you use some service how raybump, or some render farm for this video?



Thanks, José.

Regarding your question, I did not use any external render farms except for my two computers (2 GPUs) here in the office, which took approximately 1 week to complete. :wink:


another very beautiful work of yours … I have a question too, I was checking the material node and realised that you use very simple nodes for the glass and water object in the scene, is there any particular reason behind it ? plus what does the light path node is doing for the water? :slight_smile:

I always make it a point to make my setups as simple as possible–for ease of use/modification, faster render times, lighter file size, etc. :slight_smile:

Regarding the light path node, what it does is it tells Cycles to render the glass transparent when shadows hit it–to save time and to make the rendering faster.
