Veteran users of the Game Engine- What are the thoughts on it?


I have only used the game engine so far just to model out a little weapon and got it to fire partially correctly via a clip on youtube, so it is all sort of confusing itwould I guess since I have never ever tried it or even back in 2006 or 2007 or when I touched on the software ever so briefly in again 2009 and in 2012 thought to try and see if I could do something so simple.

I don’t recall much about the game engine back at that time, so I imagine there has been constraints on this engine is, the quality and time by individuals to construct a level or two and included intense detail.

Could this game engine or Blender be eventually used with the PS4?

Or more likely the development of the 3D content for the PS4, and may be Virtual Reality Eye gear to be released. Nobody knows how far that may eventually go. This is new ground, a very small step.

And yeah, for those who have used this 3D program for so long with knowledge of the game engine/ python programming language especially many years back that was an early prerequisite to maximise use of this Blender addition. What do you have to express on this or any of the above?


I don’t think Ps4 is a good fit because of GPL.

That said, PC gaming is a large market, and apparently it’s not impossible to port all of blender to something that was OpenGL-ES compatible.(android)

GPL works with steam and a host of other services though.

another nice distribution engine would be a HTML5 BGE interpreter/server

I know nothing about game engines. I just may be thought it could be possible for such a future use.

But yes even for Blender, constructing a few levels is time intensive. Can you recommend any highly detail releases? I’m curious to see what some have done with it.

But yes even for Blender, constructing a few levels is time intensive.

That applies to every software of this category.

Can you recommend any highly detail releases? I’m curious to see what some have done with it.

You can look in the Finished Games forum. Also look for “Krum: Edge of Darkness” on Steam

I don’t have steam. I’ll have to just view the Finished game section.

I guess there are no Doom 3’s made using Blender?

You don’t have to have Steam just to view the game…

No I’m sure you don’t. I recall Blender made the executable files for it.

Having typed that, that same setting in the game engine menu isn’t there.

For getting a an actual 3D model character instead of a 2D image as a target, I was thinking of importing one from a game like Doom 3. I guess I could always try a stab at modelling one from that game. I’m quite a beginner at that.

So I could have an enemy to fire at that chases the camera. On the video site youtube, there appears to be enough with some recent tutorials to get something basic going. As for detailed 3D models in the game engine as someone mentioned in a post I had made, far too many vertices, polygons and so on slow down the game engine. Of course that all depends on the objective, if it is just that with an enemy, I don’t think it should a problem.

I’m not sure what you want. Your statements are a big vague.

Do you want to create a game? The BGE is a good start.
Do you dream of a Doom clone? Buy doom and use a level editor.

Blender Game Engine is a lacklustre game engine even by some outdated standards. It is slow in terms of production speed and performance and lacks many features that most engines have.

BUT, it has so many advantages which differ it from other engines (mainly for educational purposes). Here are a few off the top of my head:

  1. It is free. No 10% on your game purchases, nothing.
  2. It is absolutely exquisite for prototyping. I have made some mini-games in just a few hours from the ground up and I never had to leave the program.
  3. It has an awesome community.
  4. It teaches you more about how games work than if you were to use an engine that does basically everything for you.
  5. You can model and texture assets in a GLSL viewport which is pretty much identical to the in-game graphics.

Blender is still my favourite because it doesn’t try to baby you. I have a lot more control than what other engines allow, and it is easy to change them without having to go deep into settings. Sure, there are a few things I’d like to be ironed out of it, but for now I’m not interested in anything else. If I was in a game development team trying to make some AAA action game, I’d avoid BGE like the plague, but for anyone who is interested in learning or making games for the love of it, it’s pretty great.

You just can’t expect some things out of an engine made by people who contribute to it for free.

Oh no I was just thinking of using an import from Doom 3. I actually got the cd’s out of the reycler bag I had put them in. I thought I’d take a look at one of the levels I had wanted to edit last year but I tried and even used a message board, but no real help there. It was as if they just didn’t care or really didn’t understand how to edit a particular part of a level.

I think may be a low poly gon person would be better for a stun gun weapon. And I don’t mean a taser type one.

Or just try and model a particular demon low poly as best as I can for it. Since when does a stun gun take out a Doom 3 demon. Hehe!

I understand the game engine is quite basic. Should be fine for my basic needs. And no I certainly wouldn’t know where to begin with a Doom 3 clone.:stuck_out_tongue:

What are you even talking about??? :spin:
(my brain is now all gooey on the inside)


  • You cannot simply import assets from other game. You might have to recreate.
  • Start with creating basic FPS movement.
  • UI.
  • Explore how walls and portal works.
  • NPC AI.
  • Rules/logic/start/die, eg: Cannot go through wall, opening doors, getting hit, IDKFA, IDDQD, etc.

How do you mean, I can’t import a model demon from Doom 3 and expect it work with a bit of minimum work on it?


This sounds like you want to use the assets from another game. Question yourself if right holders of Doom allow you to do that.

Creating your own assets is fine.

Looking at the level … ok
edit … edit what? The level? Do you have a doom level editor?
message board … what message board? You mean a forum? what forum?

How do you think the detail grade of a mesh is related to a behavior concept of a different object. Your statement sounds a bit as if you want to design a weapon object to appear as person. In my eyes that makes not much sense. I guess you mean something completely different.

Nice that you create your own models. But again, what has that model to do with a stun weapon model?

What do you mean with “quite basic” and what do you expect from game engines that are not basic?

Doom from design is a FPS first person shooter. This is a basic (not to say simple) game type.
It is a shooter, which results in a few basic core features:

  • You look from a characters perspective (first person view = FPV). This even removes the need for a character mesh, as it is never visible.
  • Character motion, which is simple one step navigation The user tells what the next step is (left,right, forward, turn etc.). No complex path-finding necessary at that component.
  • Character actions: move, shoot, reload, die
  • Health handling, live handling
  • Enemy placement/spawning (can be very simple)
  • Damage handler (on enemies and character)
  • Weapon management (including ammunition storage)
  • Item collection (e.g. ammunition, weapons …)

And thinks all games need:

  • game menu
  • level status information (HUD)
  • save/laod

All I had meant was I have file with a FPS view and a stun gun parented to it, I just thought may be I could use an enemy from that game, there was nothing amazing about it. Just a very basic setup with a working demon to shoot at. It isn’t important now.

Just a thought.