Vexturizer Vector Texturing Engine

Its my long-standing dream: vector textures for blender, and a vector-based procedural texturing engine. Please read all of this before any replies.

Lets get straight to business. This project starts now. Feel free to join this project / thread any time if you have something to contribute.

How would you design the programmatic flow of an vector based procedural texturing engine? Main problem, IMHO, is related to chaining the different modifiers. Not knowing what the final UI is like, I use simple letter abbreviations to describe different textures. Sketches, code and words welcome.

Basically there would be two distinct parts to the generation sequence: atom generation and texture rendering using guides and atoms.

The following functions and modifiers would be required.
#Geometry sources
#t = function target
#s = function source
#v = vert generator (guide genny)
#g = graphic object (atoms)

#M = modulation
#O = offset

#Math functions (~filters)
#f = function generator SIN/COS, SQR, TRI, SAW, NOISE
#+ = add constant
#- = substract constant
#* = multiply by constant

#Geometric properties - every object has these (atoms, guides, verts)
#T = Translation XY(Z)
#R = Rotation Z (XY)
#S = Scale XY

and here is the

ROADMAP 23.11.2006

    1. SVG texture import (convert into bitmap or whatever?)
    1. Implement repeat XY, Clipping minXY/maxXY, Clip/Repeat/Checker, simple texture features
    1. Minimal Vector Texture Engine
      Guide - infinite line going through the centerpoint of texture plane
      ------ properties: rotation
      ------ Multiple guides possible!

Atoms - user defined SVG graphic
------ properties:XYZ offset, XYZ rotation, XYZ scaling
------ Also preset SVG primitives (line/circle/square/triangle/suzanne)

Duplication of Atoms along the Guide
----- Main function!
----- Distributed by Atom width or by Guide resolution

— UI - nice easy to use texture node ui with sliders and numbers + preview
— Blender add-on or a plugin

    1. Vector Texture Engine
      — Property-modulator: modulate Atoms properties
      — Modulator functions for XYZ trans/rot/scaling:
      ------ static value (+/-)
      ------ linear modulation (multiplier)
      ------ cyclic modulation (sin/sqr/tri/saw/random modulation)
      ------ easing modulation (exponential/quadratic/circular easing)
      ------ Values can be rounded to integer (ie. sine wave becomes square wave with values -1, 0, +1)

— Native blender texture type

    1. Advanced Vector Texture Engine features
      — Modulator stack where different modulators can be chained (many modulators can be combined)
      — Modulator input and output offset/min/max/multipliers
      — UI - modulator stack, add modulator curve preview (2d/3d)

This texture generator will duplicate SVG graphic object-atoms along a infinite vector guide going through the centerpoint of the texture plane (canvas).

To create an interesting an interesting texture, user can rotate the guide, and translate, rotate and scale each of the atoms, either by static value, or linearly or cyclically against time or xy coords.

User can then duplicate guides and apply trans/rot/scale to each of these duplicates.

Each of the properties mentioned before could be also attached to a ‘modulator’ that could modulate the properties along time or xy-coords. For example, sine wave function multiplier could be applied to the y-trans of each atom, translating the rows or atoms to reseble ripple-profile.

For example, make a floor tile texture by duplicating a square tile graphic along a guide running along the y axis, and then duplicating the guides along the x-axis.[end]

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I’m glad someone else sees the need for svg texture import.

I whispered that quite some time ago in “wishes for …” posts here (well elysiun). I think that there would need to be two (or three) rasterizing options:

  • fixed resolution (as is the original)
  • fixed resolution, rasterized once and stored in memory (with options to control pixel size and aspect ratio, primarily targeted for stills and animation where this texture won’t show up front)
  • resolution recalculated upon proximity to current camera (for animation where textured object would show up in great detail, and texture would need to remain crisp at all cost)

This would probably be (in fact) the easiest solution- when blender renders, it goes to the material itself and asks for the color at a specific point on the object surface, so in a svg this would make the texture as detailed as the render itself.


There is a PyNodes build? Awesome, I thought that project had stopped. Personally, it would be a relief if it were included in the next release as it could really help make Blender’s material system super versatile. Kudos to Jesterking for his dedication.


P.S> Just tried it and it does all I would expect it to do. Seems complete but buggy. :frowning:

Thank you jesterKing! I will look into pyNodes (and GraphicAll). I suppose this is the nodes texture system in 2.42a? It would be great to be able to use this for vector textures. Too bad I am not familiar with python…

edit Well, python looks easy. I guess I can do something with this.

Any experienced math / algo people out there? There are several things I could use help with once I get the general framework built. Reply or PM if interested.