VFX for the film "El Deseo Final"

Hi everybody, I’m doing the visual effects for a movie called “el deseo final” (the last wish), so I used Blender for the modelling, animation and render tasks and Combustion for composing labors. I tried to use the outstanding composition nodes of Blender but I’m not used to it yet (I’m a newbie with blender), but I’m pretty sure I can get the same results doing the composition with blender, maybe the next job :wink: , here’s the actual one:

P.S: click on “watch in high quality” for a better resolution.

Pretty nice… why didnt you use Physics engine for the carafe? (or what ever that… thing is called)… would have looked more natural… now it looked bit too hand animated.

the animation was done by physics and then recorded to IPO’s. We choice this particular movement instead others tests.

Oh… odd. It looked so… not real.

The composition looks good but Eradicor is right: the movement of the lamp is really wacky… it would never behave like this. Needs definetely work.

Here’s the full sequence: (spanish audio)

El Deseo Final

hmmm… would be cool / more professional if the audio fit : eg - mics (or adr) :yes:
but I liked the visuals :slight_smile: - they worked out fine :slight_smile:

Compositing videos using Blender are on my Vimeo site. njoy. watching the vid now.