VFX study

Ok so I decided to give it a go at Visual Effects.
I looked at these compositing breakdowns ( http://visfxblender.wordpress.com/), took what i learned and composed this image.
This was just a try at making a 3d model fit in with the real world. Next I will attempt to do some tracking.
So any tips, suggestions, critiques on how to make the 3d model blend with the real world better?

(this is the original)
(model is not mine, from League of Legends game)

Wait a minute!! your telling me that figure in this image is … :open_mouth: not really there and you just added it like magic?

I honestly wouldnt be able to even tell… outstanding work! :smiley: WEll done!

Great job indeed but I noticed 2 things:

  1. character’s shadow doesn’t seem to match real world’s lighting. Light source seem higher up than your 3D light.

  2. character’s a bit blurry.

Can’t wait to see your results with cam tracking!

And you need second light\shadow from screen.

Thanks for the positive feedback looks like my friends said it was believable too.
I actually do have a blue light simulating the light from he monitor (look at the characters back boot, you can see the faint blue) i made it quite faint b/c i really was faint compared to the lamp on the right.
I guess i blurred her too much? but it was intentional to try to better match the “natural” blurriness of the photo.
I will take a look at the main lamp however, it could possibly be in the wrong place compared to the photo.

All of the positioning was pure guesswork since there was no tracking done. So all the placements are approximate. This will not be the case with video footage, as i will have reference points. I am hoping to to the camera tracking this weekend, we shall see if that happens or not.

Have you modeled the keyboard into the scene? If not, I would. Having the shadows interacting with objects from the photo adds a lot more realism to the scene. I tried something similar a couple months ago with an Audi R8 from blendswap and a crappy photo from my iPod. Here’s the result if you’re interested:http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss229/tlehmann1996/AudiR8inStreet.png (It looks better when viewed on the iPod screen.)

I found an error with the shadow!! the wire on the keyboard, the shadow of it seems to go through her legs, but goes around the figure itself… :slight_smile:

Thank you all for the comments, some of the thing you guys mentioned I never even realized, some my friends pointed out. I am still planning on doing the pan around, but meanwhile i have been working on light saber effects, since that is i think something one must learn how to do.
The final result will be a short, about 10 second shot, which has a bit more to go 'till its done, but here are 2 frames that i thought where the best from this shot. Hopefully i can get this done in the next few days.
This video is a cloning video which features the same person playing 2 roles. The one on the right shoots the gun, the one on the left blocks with the saber, and kills the one on the right.
Here are the renders: (yes i am aware of the masking issues)


If I was to nitpick on the saber one, I’d say that the shadows are going to make it harder. With a bright sword casting light in a dark area, I’d expect it to at least cast light on the ground in image two and light on the characters in image one. Being a beam of light and all.

In a brightly lit area, it would still cast coloured light on them, but less obviously so you might get away with leaving it off.

However, I was watching the Clone Wars series the other day and picked a light saber beam casting a solid shadow on a wall from another light source. So nobody is perfect… :slight_smile:

Yeah i was thinking about the light thing, the saber should definitely cast some… I am not sure how would i implement it though, i was thinking maybe render a ground plane with low blue light shining on it, or maybe do some more masking… Anyone have any ideas?