I’m rigging an ant and it’s kinda working but I think I’m doing it totally wrong.
Normally you would be adding 1 armature modifier and then select a bone weight paint the mesh, select another paint its mesh,…
But I’m using tons of Armature modifiers per mesh but with each modifier I select the VGroup option and insert the name of a specific bone wich is allso the name of a Vertex group. This works I think but can’t be the right sollution. I do that cuzz I think what it does is connect the bone to that vert group and then it’s done.
The problem I have is that there is no background info about the VGroup option to be found and all the tut’s that have been made didn’t have that option yet.
That’s right, an Armature set to Modify a VG works only on that VG, though I’ve never bothered to do it that way. You say you’re using tons of armatures. What comes to mind when you say “ant” is one armature to control the body (so thorax and abdomen are one VG), another to control the head, and three more to control each pair of legs. What it sounds like you’re doing is using a one-bone armature for each segment? If so, then it’s easier to seperate all segments of the Mesh into single Objects and Parent them to the bones of one, single armature. A single armature for an ant shouldn’t cost you more than about thirty bones, targets included, so why not just use a single armature with each bone assigned a VG? like we do for bipeds.