I’ve been ripping my hair out over a problem. I have a particle system set up on my “ground” plane that emits short-lived, static particles. These particles are instanced planes. The planes themselves have an animated texture depicting a bullet impact on snow. This all works so far. The problem is, I need the animated texture to begin its video for each particle as soon as the particle is created. In other words, I want each particle’s animated texture to play on a per-particle basis, starting at the particle’s birth. I’m using a very recent build of 2.56a. I am aware of the Particle/Strand mapping option for textures, so it seems like the functionality to tell a particle’s age exists somewhere. I am also aware of animation offsets and I think there might be something to that as well.
Any help would be enormously appreciated. (Please!):D:evilgrin::evilgrin: