video: 9-11 news

I thought that these works would have the most impact if I held onto them until today. This first Spet11th segment is a mock news summary of events, complete with logos. This was created in the 2 weeks following the event.

The logos were created with Blender, composit was done in Blender, and the video was edited using some freeware app that I forget the title of.

Download the video here (3 min, MS MPEG4): (54.3MB) (27.9 MB) (12.3 MB) (8MB)

I have posted this second work in the same thread because it has the same theme and builds off of the first. This is a mock newscast of the 60minuts type, where they go into some in-depth research on the subject. This one has CG graphics, I was aming for them to look simaler to news graphics but a little bit more realism. This was created in the 3 months following the event, the script was written only about a month after the event.

The animation was created with Blender, the compositing of the person on the backdrop was done in AfterEffects (I was originally trying to use a green-screen, but that didn’t work too well, so I had to use an Alpha mask), the video editing was done in Premiere.

Download the video here (22 min, MS MPEG4): (612 MB) (89.7 MB) (32.9 MB) (16.9 MB)

Bascially, what I am looking for in comments is what you think of the story, and of course what you think of the graphics. What impact did this video have on you?

I downloaded both videos, and am very impressed. Being in the video production business, I realize how much time and work must of went into these two projects. The overall reporting of facts seemed good, timelines seemed good, the graphics in the second video spectacular, as far as accuracy, and I checked it out too… These two videos are very informative, and factually very correct. The reporting was done in a very professional manner… And it is always nice to see such a large project followed thru and totally complete… You should be very proud of this, to say good job is a huge understatement, Great JOB, is more correct…

The NDN…

hey there steve! I remember this project from TV class. I have been messing around with Blender this summer, trying to get good like you!

You inspired me! So hows college life? I dont miss River Hill at all, im going to HCC right now and working 2 jobs. Well talk to you later.

-Nick from Pendleys TV Class


Hi Nick, welcome to Blender. It can take a long time to get “good”, so be sure to keep at it and post some of your stuff when you get the chance.

Glad that I had a positve effect on someone in the class.

I’m not missing RHHS much either. I am at UMBC right now, concentrating on classes. I am trying for a double major with Visual Arts and Mechanical Engineering, so it should be intresting.

Good luck with Blender! I wish I had some more time right now to make animations, but that probably won’t be the case for a while :frowning:


Thank you very much for the comments, I am glad that you appreciate the amount of work this took…and it did take a lot. It took a lot of hunting around to get the facts straight in the months following, so I am glad that you appreciate that as well. My goal was to make a mock professional news broadcast, so I am gald that you think it looked professional.

Againk, thanks for the comments and takeing the time to watch.

Nice video! just a question: Is those music come from freespace2?


Very good! :smiley: The music is indeed the Cinema2 score from Freespace 2.

Not many people can pick things out like that, which is why I like to used game background music for most of my works.