Hey guys,
I’d like some help and criticism with my current image. I’m working here on an image of a dude playing a hard video game. My goal is to make him be bending into those weird positions which people often assume when they’re playing a hard level. I think you know the kind I mean… they twist and grimace and all their limbs go in strange directions (as if that would actually help in any way.)
Normally I wouldn’t post in such an early state, but I’d like some recommendations regarding the directions I should take now. I don’t really like the appearance of the easy chair for one thing (model or texture) and I’m wondering if you think a different chair might do better? Also, I’m uncertain about whether I like the lighting. (It gets a bit flat behind the television).
On a more technical note, I’m not sure the best way to go about modeling the dude. Would you model him in his position, or model him in a neutral position, rig him, and then reposition him?
I saw some VERY effective images similar to this where the light from the tv was much darker blue… everything was also tinted blue more, It had a very dramatic effect. ADD some blue-ish GI then throw in some lamps (perhaps another light source? maybe a yellow-ish lamp on a coffee table?) to counteract all the blue…
Okay guys, here’s a version with the gamer included. I spent half of the morning fighting with the rig… somehow blender assigned a bunch of bones to the wrong side of the body, took me forever to get it fixed. The position is simply a placeholder until I take some reference photos for the final pose.
I don’t like the chair very much, do you think I should make another recliner or try an entirely different kind of chair?
I’m also not sure how to go about doing the scenery here. I want it to be sparse (but not boring). The wall is my biggest problem, I’m simply not sure what to put back there. Any suggestions?
jessethemid, thanks for your suggestion about lighting. The lighting as it stands is admittedly not perfect. I’m open to any other suggestions regarding lighting as well.
hmm. i like most of it. whats that on the ground below the tv? it’s hard to tell. i like how his arms are thin and his body is kinda round. but his face could use a little work just adjusting. and his toes on the raised foot look odd. otherwise looking good.i dont think the lighting is too bad. maybe just a little tweaking. keep up the good work!
Something as stupid as a baseboard should help out the room already I think.
The couch looks well dunno off like you say yourself. Make another coach i’d say, you never know how it’ll turn out.
Here’s a new version. I’ve given him particle hair and a potential pose, although I will probably tweak the pose a bit. The lighting has also been adjusted, a bit more blue, and with slightly different background lighting. I tried adding an extra light source (that floor lamp you see) but I didn’t like the way it looked. It made the scene look too bright, and I really did want it to look dark. I’ve also added some “props,” namely a remote control and a strategy guide.
I’m still not sure what to do about the background, though. It looks too vacant as it is, but I want it to look kind of “indistinct” and abstract.
Hmm cool. Here’s a few ideas: Maybe make the guy so he’s looking at the TV. Maybe have some pictures in the background on the wall with glass so they reflect and you cant see the image much (so as not to distract) and maybe you could make the ground more like carpet to diffuse some of the extreme lighting or even just to give it a more natural feeling. Looking better every time though. I don’t think the couch is too bad. Maybe even more of those little things on the ground. Maybe differen things though…maybe i’m done now. maybe
I think he’s done, but I want to know what you guys think. I also have two variations on lighting here: one that’s the same, and one that has light streaming in from the windows. I like the one with the window light better, the extra light fills in some dark spots and highlights outlines nicely, plus I like the implication that he’s in the basement, missing what is by all appearances a beautiful day. Which do you guys prefer? Is there anything else you think could be better?