Video Game Team Now Hiring

Hello Everyone!

My team of 6 people and I are currently beginning the work on a video game titled ‘The People Behind the Shadows’ or something like that, however, we are still short several people that we need to complete the game properly. This game is a RPG action-adventure game that takes place in Southeast Asia around the year 1200. The game’s story line is as follows: A new king comes to throne in Thailand, by the name of King Chandra, and he intends to obtain the elixir of immortality (in Hindu mythology it is called Amrita) and conquer the whole world. So he sends out Nang Yai puppeteers (shadow puppetry) to tell all these false stories of great things he is doing, to convince his whole country that he is an absolutely brilliant ruler. But in reality, he is doing very evil things, and has anyone who finds out executed. Your place in the story is that you are told this by Hindu gods (you live in Indonesia), since you have been thought to be psychic your whole life (you’re able to customize and choose your age in the game). And you go on an epic journey to expose and overthrow the king. However, word spreads about how ‘great’ the king is, so he is slowly working towards world domination as he conquers all of Southeast Asia, Australia, Lower China, and Eastern India.

The game functions with three main fighting classes including physical, ranged, and magical, and you can also tame mythical beasts to fight with you as you fight against the kings army. Also, as you fight gods as trials, you will gain abilities like flying and mind tricks.

The length of the game is all very dependable, but I’m thinking about 12 hours of main gameplay. (The planned release date won’t be for a year or two)

Here are some examples of work we have done:


I will be doing the sound design and music for the game as well as organizing many things.

The current filled positions include:

Setting modeler
Props modeler
Sound design
Script writing
Character design

However, I would like to hire the following, but if you would like to help even if your skill is not listed, please feel free to contact me.

Coders (experienced with C# or C++)
Character modelers
Props and asset modelers
Animal modelers
More setting modelers
Buildings modelers
Concept artists

You will only be paid once our game makes it onto Steam, Wii U, PS4, and or Xbox shops, so there is no guaranteed pay

Please contact [email protected] if you are interested. List your resume and give me some work you’ve done.

Thanks so much!
Janek Plansky

I am interested. You can check my portfolio at facebook/CristianoArtworks

I may be able to help some.

I’d love for you to be a part of our team! Please email me at [email protected] for more info

I’d also love for you to help us! Please Email me at [email protected]

This is great! Please email me at [email protected] for more info.

We would love to also have you! Please email me at [email protected].