Video lighting and chroma keying question?

Does anyone know how much lighting (watts, colour temperature, etc… )I would need to effectively light an indoor 4 feet by 8 feet ( a little 1 meter by a little over 2 meter) set for a miniature scene?

The second question is the placement of lights in order to get shadowless lighting on a green screen for a good clean chroma key?

I know, WTF, but I’m sure there’s a quite a few of you who know a lot about what I’m getting at.


What you want to do a little bit of research on is IES data files. I know that there is a company called Lithonia Lighting that has a free Photometric viewer for viewing these files. If you are looking for an even distribution, fluorescent may be the way to go. I do understand where you are going with this idea…and in fact, there is a member that goes by the name of "scotch"on these forums (of CSN media), that works with stage lighting.
He may be able to help you.

For the curious, check out

to see why I asked these questions :Z . I’ll try fluorescents, I have some of those. I appreciate your help, thanks for your time Qwert. :smiley:

The Brothers Quay. GODS of stop motion, they have created nightmarish works for artists like Nine Inch Nails, Tool, and Manson.
May not be everyone’s style…but dark, disturbing and beautiful none the less.

Cool, I’ll check it out. Thanks.

They’re influenced by Jan Svankmajer, a czech animator who is also a stop-motion god. He did a production of Alice in Wonderland and itit was most disturbing.


Anyone who likes FJ Kafka and Stockhausen is OK in my books.
I think I’m going to be influenced by the Brother’s Quay and Jan Svankmajer in the near future :smiley: . Thanks again.

…did you know ?

There is a program called VideoBlender, designed primarily with clay animation in mind ?

Enough said.

Yes, I was on their web site the other day. Looks pretty interesting. I am using Animator DV right now.

I like 3D CG, but I would like to do something that involves set construction, lighting experimentation, video and film, and sculpture, mold making, and more traditional animation as well. I think it’s good to diversify and learn other aspects of animation.