What setting should I set out for my video when I wish to send it out to someone through email?
Good question, but the answer is “it depends.” Depends on the target file size. Do the people you are sending it to have a high speed connection where downloading a 50 MB file won’t take them all day? Depends on what limitations your email service puts on attached files (10 MB might be pretty standard). Depends on if they have a player capable of opening said file. I would recommend a small frame size (640x480 or smaller if you can get away with that) and a highly compressed format such as mpeg-4. Also depends on how long your movie is, and how much time you have to render/compress it. I hope that helps a little.
start with downloading the XviD codec, and use that to compress the avi. from there, play with the controls to balance quality and speed (speed being the speed needed to email it in a reasonable time). As Bob said, a 320x240 size image is 4x SMALLER than a 640x480, so making it smaller can save alot of space.
Anyone can get the XviD codec for free, so it should not matter what computer they have; they will be able to watch your video. Also, lots of people use QuickTime and have it installed, but it is proprietary to Apple and I have this love/hate relationship with it because of all the background processes it loads (like iTunesHelper, for god’s sake, and I dont even have iTunes!!!)
which, given all the above complications, is why YouTube is so nice.