Due to lack of license for After Effects i gave Blender a try in doing simple task i had to do for my work. WHile i have managed to put desired video material together in Blender, i cant achieve smooth slow motion effect. It just looks like lowered frame rate, where im looking for an affect with blended frames to add smoothnes to the slowed down fragment. Is it possible in Blender? Im currently working on 2.79 but question is general.
Also is it possible to have speed controll added to video strip while having a transform effect (for example scaling) added to the same video strip, and not affected by speed control strip attached to video strip? Lets say i want to make a video that slows down at the end, but the transform-scale effect to speed up or remain constant.
Blender can’t do slow motion by interpolating frames.
Blender is a 3D program generating frames. If we need a slow camera movement in a 3D scene, blender can render all frames needed.
But if input is a video, blender is not able to invent frames that were not existing in original video.
You can’t do that inside blender, but there is software that can do this with footage. I can think of one open-source program that can do this (slowmoVideo), but I haven’t tested it out myself, you have to compile it yourself, and the project looks abandoned. I’m sure there are other similar open-source options that I’m not aware of though.