Video Texture player


strange, I didn’t get any error when I run it on blenderplayer 2.41.

For 2.42 RC3 or any other version: plugin has to be compiled for specific version of Blender sources, if you run it on version it wasn’t compiled for and this version has changes in parts that plugin uses, it will crash almost everytime. I’m waiting to final release of 2.42 to adopt and compile plugin for it.

I have updated Video Texture plugin to provide possibility to enable/disable mipmaps generation for video texture. Mimpmaps can reduce performance for larger video frames.

link doesn’t work

hi good work
in my system i cant see video texture .
windows video it’s OK
can i make it full screen ?

hi ashsid,
just tried out the webcam for the first time and its absolutely amazing- no more slow-down than the avi’s. Just cant wait for the linux version now!

Nice One:)

are you gonn fix that link? Would like to dowload your plugin… can you use video that has aplha channels? , the link was missing an “o”

sweet thanks!

I assume its theoretically possible to:

  1. set up 2 external cameras for live video input
  2. write a script to assign one video texture to each camera (texture1, texture2)
  3. run the “side-by-side” camera option in the game framing settings
  4. make texture1 visible only to the right camera, texture2 visible only to the left
  5. play a game from within eMagin X800 or iGlasses stereoscopic gaming glasses for a stereoscopic augmented reality thing. (Game content would run with live video textures as background.)


(and has been said many times, you rock, ashsid! Great work.)

Sorry for a bad link - I was in hurry when I wrote that post.


on alpha in video: demo contains one video texture with generated alpha from “blue screen”. I don’t know about video codecs that provide alpha encoded in video.


this proposal seems to be possible, except point 4. I don’t know a way how to make texture visible for one camera and invisible for other in Side by side mode.

You’re probably right, but given the amazing flexibility of python scripting and Blender functions in general, I’ll just bet there’s some trick that can do this. I’ll be experimenting. (I’m trying to learn python and the game engine in general, so I’m a noob at all this - might take some time!:rolleyes: )

My thought, by the way, is to use your script as a “how it is now” vs “how it could become” visual aid for architectural renovations or historic preservation and such. The alpha toggle is ideal for that.

Hi, samas,

look at file exptLog.txt. Are there any errors logged?

There is no problem with fullscreen - just map it to plane covering entire camera view. I have used it this way to create intro seamlessly joined with menu screen.

Hi there,

I’m just wondering, is this supposed to work as part of an exported runtime? It doesn’t for me… but that could just be … me!



no exptlog.txt file this men no error right?

  • ihave question haw you make Dll modeler file i try to find way to convert .py to dll … any link or help for this or make dll file for python

samas, try searching your computer for exptlog.txt it may be in a different directory to your .blend file. I found it in my documents directory.


I just checked exported runtime and it works fine. If you have Blender materials enabled, you should run exe with parameter “-g blender_material = 1” in command line.

no way i try all this think


I have just tried the plugin in "cam " mode - I think it’s really great, but I get an error:

If I open blender, then run the game it works fine the first time.
Then, if I press escape (back to blender) and run the game again, I get this error in exptlog.txt:

.\RenderDShow.cpp:130:80070057: Source filter failed to render

If I quit blender, and start the gam again it works again.
Not a huge problem (cause I can always restart it) but thought I’d let you know.

also, the digtal camera I’ve got has about half a second delay of the video. I think it’s because I’ve got a cheap camera using usb. Just wondering if you have any delay on yours or if you can use, for example, a video camera with firewire there would be no delay.

I’m asking because I was thinking of making a video DJ program, or text over video realtime (like kareoke) with similar quality/speed to a live video feed.

for some reason, my windows media player wont play any videos anymore, it only plays audio files. so that might be why this wont work…

i tried reinstalling windows media player. that didnt work either.

so all i can do is use vlc media player to play my stuff.