Viewing multiple alpha-mapped planes in viewport

Hi! After hours of searching i did not find an answer, so here is my question:
I want to have let’s say 4 or 5 planes with alpha-channels behind each other, seeing them in the viewport, potato mode. with the texture face panels i got them to show their alphas by clicking “alpha” instead of “opaque”. but most of them seem to ignore the objects behind them, instead showing the “world” / background. only the active plane renders correctly. but let the viewport speak for itself:
(see below)

there are some threads about this, but no solution. so, any hints?


Here are the settings.


thanks fligh! but that does not work. i replaced your hrse1.png by one of mine, and yes, the render output is correct. what i want is to view different alpha-mapped planes with their correct alpha-values in the viewport, so i can place and manage them without having to render the scene.

Aah… I should take more time to read properly! In F7 you can click X-Ray for the object on top. Unfortunately it only works if you do it for one object at a time. That would be a nice feature request.

Easier than rendering is to click P for GameEngine display.


yeah, p would be a bit easier. thanks!

hi, me again.

where can i post feature requests? you know, the ability to view “alpha-planes” is very important for me. i am working in a team, we are going to make a short movie mixing 3d-elements and hand drawn illustrations / stop-motion. the scenes will mainly be build of 3d-models and those “alpha-planes”, hand-drawn silhouettes. we know how to render that. but it would be difficult to work if it is not possibe to view multiple alpha-planes in the viewport. our hardware is fast enough, so this should not be the problem (somewhere i read that the viewport alpha is limited for a better realtime rendering or sth like this). one of our team does have 3dsmax, and the alpha-problem doesn’t exist in max. but it would be sad to have to switch to max, because this would be the opportunity for another great blender-HD-Movie. :eyebrowlift: We need that feature!
Can anybody help?

aaand me again.
i think this is just a small limitation in the code. perhaps one only has to change one single setting in the code? well, i am not a coder at all, but as blender HAS this function, it should not be too hard to “unlock” that “view-only-one-alpha-limitation”, right? in the Interface and Tools forum is the usual place. If you want to change the code and compile a build yourself while they consider and debate your request best goto #blendercode or #blenderchat on IRC and talk direct.

You could also put a thread in News and Chat here and ask if someone is willing to fenaggle the code for you.


thanks fligh! i’ll do that!

uhmmm… sorry fligh, where is that exactly?:o
