I have an Nvidia GeForce 7000m/ nForce 610m (just a laptop). I tried turning on AA in the application-specific video card settings, but it messes up the Blender display Is there a workaround for this? Or where can I find a list of video cards that support anti-aliasing in Blender’s viewport?
Oops. I don’t know which build to download :spin: But, yeah, viewport anti-aliasing now works, although it slows down a bit on my system. Do you know what build they are using on Js Guillemette’s video tour?
Yup you’ve got a point there :eyebrowlift: Anyway, I also think that it would be nice working with AA turned on, even if it is just for the first million polys (I’m not sure about my estimate hehe…) We still have yet to see how the final release version of 2.5 will handle this…
In pre-2.5, I don’t know if there are AA-related settings in the Blender Preferences window. Re my first post, I just set AA using my video card’s control panel application.
I’ve found AA really useful in the past for rendering preview animations such as playblasts using the viewport rather than waiting for a full render. I agree with Lampoot for the most part otherwise though, I’d rather skip it and have blender run faster. I need to work out where I can set my video card to antialias OpenGL in Ubuntu now come to think of it.
A setting in blender is definatley needed for AA, running games with AA is a must in my books, so to have the option (even just for the game engine) to have blender use AA would be awesome.