Viewport jump when switch between orthgraphic and perspective views

Hi Blender friends!

This simple issue has bothered me for years and I haven’t found a solution myself… when I press ALT and Middle Mouse Button to snap to an orthographic view in order to edit the model, after that when I click middle mouse button to get back to perspective view, the viewport always jump behind the model and I have to zoom out to find the model again. Is there a way to avoid this?

Thanks a lot!

I attached a screenshot

Try switching NUMPAD-5 to switch between ortho./persp. … NUMPAD-1/3/7 for X/Y/Z; shift-NUMPAD-1/3/7 for -(X/Y/Z)

Yeah, it seems that’s the only way to do it?
I just wonder why I don’t find other people complaining about it because it’s such a frequent occurring little annoyance. Maybe others all just use the numpad 5?

There is so much… i never heard/ or didn’t remembered alt-MMD… maybe because jumping between axis view on numpad was so easy to do… maybe using keboard shortcut with letters (and numbers) is more momorable than all the shift/ctrl/alt LRM button combies with context to whatever view??

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I use this feature all the time, so so handy. But I’ve never had that issue, does it also happen in a new scene with a default cube in the middle?

yeah, it happens the same. However, i just found kind of a solution to it, if I press the period key to center the camera before I snap into the orthographic view, this jump won’t happen any more.


Well I guess that it should default the orientation to the center of the scene at first, and then change it to whatever you have centered the camera around, either with the period key or alt-middleclick. So working as intended I guess? :slight_smile: