Viewport not orbiting around selected object

I hope someone can help me.
I just downloaded blender 3.1 and for some reason the viewport didn’t orbit around selected object even after I checked off “orbit around selection” in the preferences.
I tried reinstalling blender, that didn’t help.
I tried reinstalling blender 3.0 and still it didn’t help.

This is not a way to work so please help me,

The orbit will occur around your object origin- if the origin is in a weird place, the orbiting acts incorrectly. Try setting the object origin to Center of Volume (F3 > Set Origin To) :slight_smile:

Without checked “orbit around selection” you have to press period on the numpad to set the new orbit center.

I did that

Did you try my suggestion? It works, I’ve tested it quite a few times :slight_smile:

It’s not just one object, it’s all the objects in the scene and yes the organ is in the right place.

TY for the help anyway

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alt+mmb to focus orbit center

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