Viewport orintation options

Hi, I’m new to Blender and using 4.1. Is there a setting or add-on that enables a Trimetric view to be set and instantly returned too irrespective of where a model is positioned or oriented.

The image attached shows how this is a standard navigational feature in Ashlars Cobalt solid modeller which is what I use for my 3d engineering CAD.

It would be really helpful if Blender provided the option to set a user defined view to nest within the the view gizmo menu.

Cobalts ‘trimetric’ view allows me to intuitively work up models in 3d in the same way that I draft concepts in 2d on paper…
Hope someone can help. Thanks

Not in pure blender… but there is/was the Addon: Stored Views (now extension ??) with what you can make whatever (multiple) view(s) you want and come back to these. (Maybe also another one with similar features.)

Just pressing Numpad 5 gives you blenders orthview, which is trimetric afaik.
Press again to switch back to perspective view.

You can set your Camera as an orthographic, and then looking at any objects in your scene will be Trimetric.

and the Stored Views addon is in the Extensions and just needs to be installed.