Viewport Shading vs Scene World differences, why?

Trying to replicate the behavior of the HDRI environments used internally to illuminate and create the reflections in our 3D viewport, to obtain the same result in the final render, I found something that caught my attention:

To use the same environment in the render and have it look exactly the same it is necessary to rotate it -90º in Z, scale it up to 100,000 in XYZ (this I could understand… to create a giant sphere that surrounds us) but also negate the scale value in X, to -100,000.

Does anyone have any idea why it is necessary to make these modifications? I would expect to be able to leave all the default values in the mapping, really.

Or is there something fundamental I’m missing?


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Ohh, wow, thank you so much for your response! :grinning:

Now I understand where my mistake was: dragging the “forest.exr” image to the Node Graph from Desktop automatically generated an “Image Texture” node that only has Flat, Box, SPHERE & Tube Projections. But the correct thing is to use an “Environment Texture” node, with EQUIRECTANGULAR projection.

And also, thanks to your answer now I also discover that there is an addon that automatically generates a Scene World from the Internal World.



Yeah i was confused for quire some time about the whole subject myself