Vignette Isle -- A small island builder

Hello! I recently had a few weekends free and felt like digging up one of my old UPBGE projects…

Vignette Isle’s goal is to be a simple, relaxing pick and place game where you can build a tiny island however you choose. There is no objective, no time limit, no progression. Only create the island how you want.

The main mechanics are all in more or less. Just some fiddling and some tooltips and the core will be there. Planned features that I want to add, more or less in the order I’ll work on them:

  1. Time of day
  2. Dynamic weather
  3. More objects to place
  4. Ambient sounds and music
  5. Screenshot system
  6. Save system? Maybe…
  7. Main menu? Maybe…

I don’t know if I’ll be able to finish all this as I can’t allot a bunch of time to work on this. But we’ll see how it goes! It’s been refreshing to get back into game design after a few years off.

(This is made in UPBGE 2.4)


Love this! Reminds me of Townscaper.

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Thanks! I’ve never played Townscaper, but there probably is some inspiration from Bad North (same developer)

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Making slow progress, but progress nonetheless! I think I’ve been averaging 1 hour a week working on this… Here’s a breakdown of what I’ve been working on:

  • Totally overhauled the doodad coloring system, allowing more control over flora and rocks
  • Added a few more models to place around
  • Removed the doodad selection menu. Now you just scroll through everything with the mouse wheel
  • Worked on the doodad placement system (still needs work though)

I’m thinking I’m going to strip out a lot of the features I had originally planned on, just because I want to finish this up as fast as possible (Still going to take a while, though). But I don’t think the removed features will make this game any less enjoyable. The idea is just to keep it a simple, calming experience.

Small update:

  • Added water ripples
  • Created a few more placeable objects

I’m hoping to get a small, stable alpha demo ready soon to do some testing with one of my friends. It would be good to get a second set of eyes on it.