Just tried Eevee Next, it’s pretty good, they need to keep developing this since I’m getting tired of waiting for Cycles to render
Raw render of the Wall
Eevee next
Eevee Previous
Just tried Eevee Next, it’s pretty good, they need to keep developing this since I’m getting tired of waiting for Cycles to render
Raw render of the Wall
Eevee next
Starting a new action scene, Goliath’s Wake
An old battle ship retrofitted into being a survivor’s town is now waking up again to shoot the living shit out of a Vile Metal monster
I’d work on the Duster later but I just feeling like making an action scene now
WIP on the battleship scene and some smoke sim test, got some idea, but it’s gonna be really expensive to simulate on my rig
More works to finish the detailing of the Hunchback, I can’t decide between Standard view transform color vs Agx, Agx surely looks more painterly for me, but the color of the fire looks so off.
Maybe I should replace the fire with some smoke sim
I seriously need to upgrade, this is what I’ve been seeing all day, this 2060 is not going to do it anymore
Or maybe you know what, screw action scene for now until I get something beastly lol, I’ll think of something else that does not require baloney amount of performance eating volumetric
I much prefer the first
Gonna upgrade to a 4070ti Super & i7 14700k soon, hopefully it’s going to open up new opportunities for me, my 2060 is struggling really hard for these, so in the mean time I’ll think of some other scene, maybe something with composition of a Bosch painting?
Haven’t updated this topic in a while but just a bit of an update. I made this ridiculous monster from an old Rolls Royce 1959 Silver Cloud and planning to put it in the Vile Metal universe somehow.
This thing took forever since I can only use my own machine like an hour a day since my time is eaten up by works and other stuff
Butchered this beautiful machine
It’s done and it looks awesome, even though I did all this with a really tight deadline, and only 1 hour to work each day, but it turned out well
Alright back to the twisted metal-ifaction of humanity
A “Gulper”, representing Gluttony, kinda feel like the 7 sins is a good concept to base on for more monster concepts
I like this "chrome red’ look like my previous Blood Charon renders, although it’s getting frustrating with my shiddy machine that just refuse to render sometimes
Nice it’s starting to look better and creepier, just a blank dead eye, maybe I’m gonna compose the piece like a Bosch painting? Could be really interesting
Some more background element, I think this is another piece where I’m gonna have to do an intensive layer of overpainting, and perhaps more hidden detail in the scenery compared to my old artworks, much like those that Bosch made. So maybe let’s take a longer time to make these pieces and see what comes out eh?