virtualight animation now works from blender!!!!

problably very simple, but i cant figure it out

i need to when i make a on frame changed a save, but it keeps on saving over 1 file

it probably should be something like this

save file.sfw
if file.sfw = file.sfw then
do file001.sfw

and so on
with somekinda loop

really need some help on this one!

why don’t you add the frame number to the filename?




but now i need to know how to do this…

import Blender

FileName = "file" + str(Blender.Get("CurrentFrame")) + ".swf"

not sure about the Get(“CurrentFrame”) part, it might be another string. Try doing this to be sure:

import Blender
print Blender.Get.__doc__


it’s fairly simple
attach this piece of code to the frame changed button (scriptbuttons)
press alt a voila!!!

not everything works tho still have to figure out that it only creates one vs file, couse i just hate editing 290 different vs files!

#	bruteforce (Tm) VirtaLight exporter for Blender v2.23
#	version 1.2a
#	original by jano lukac, [email protected]
#	mod by peter lammers @ with thanks to theeth!

import Blender
import os, re, sys
from math import *
from string import lower

# Quick start:
#		1. Modify the two variables below: savePath and outFile.
#			Please make sure savePath exists, and do not put extensions
#			to the outFile
#		2. Open this in Blender (if you haven't done so already)
#		3. Press alt-p over this script in Blender
#		4. Go to savePath dir and type vlight <outFile> -a 8
#		5. While you wait, read through these comments and the VirtuaLight
#			documentation
#		6. For the "GI" look, use a hemi-lamp with Y rotations:
#			-90 <= rotY => 90
#			Read the Lights section below for more info

savePath = "c:/vl/"
outFile = str(Blender.Get("curframe"))+ "file" 

# Comments, Docs, Notes
#	I highly recommend you edit the output .vib and .vs files.
#	See a little further down for help with lights.

#	I expect you to read these comments.. if you don't, well, TS.

#	Running this script in blender will produce in your savePath:
#		1. $outFile.vib		# the scene
#		2. $outFile.vs		# materials
#		3. $filePath/Meshes/$mesh$appendor.vib		# mesh structure

#	Python notes:
#		If you use python > 2.0, change the "re" module to "pre" at all
#			occurances (i.e. search and replace).

#	Notes on supported Blender Objects
#	Camera:
#		If everything seems a bit skewed, change the FOV setting in this script.
#	Meshes:
#		All meshes export as TriangularPatches now, to maintain UV coords.
#		If you have stray vertices in a mesh (i.e. vertices but no face), you
#			will risk the chance of either having stray faces in the output
#			VIB or an empty Solid[] structure.  The empty Solid[] struct
#			will also result with a "Parse Error".  I currently have no way
#			to fix this, so you will have to do it manually.
#		If you get weird results, try to first "apply size/rot" to the mesh.
#		If you get a "parse error" in your .vib files, first check for an
#			empty Solid[] structure in the vib, then try renaming the
#			mesh in Blender.. stuff like "Box", "Plane", and "Sphere" are
#			reserved in VirtuaLight, and will cause these errors.
#			I made a basic attempt to fix this by prepending a "X" to every
#			name.  It's ugly, but it works -- can be changed in the Optional
#			Mods sections below.
#		SetSmooth works on both triangles and qauds; however, to make it work,
#			I had to manually convert quads to tris.  If you don't trust this,
#			please convert your mesh to triangles first.
#		If you have SetSmooth on quads, and have UV textures, then UV Textures
#			will be exported, but if you have problems, ctrl-t the mesh first.
#	Materials:
#		I default to PlainSurfaces, and just use basic settings, because,
#			although the settings are available in blender, I cannot get to
#			them via python.  You can manually transcribe them.
#		If you want to use textures, use FaceSelect mode in blender
#			to assign UV coordinates.  Then read how to apply textures
#			in the VirtauLight sepcifications PDF included with said program
#		No access to blender's SpTr yet, so use alpha to determine Kt.  I
#			default to an Index of Refraction to 1.3333 (glass), and use the
#			material "Mir" RGB sliders to affect the colors.
#		You can change specularity type in the Optional mods section below
#	Lights:
#		This is the fun one.  VirtuaLight has SO MANY lights, it's not even
#			funny.  I chose the corresponding lights based on functionality,
#			but *NOT* on name -- it's a bit confusing at fist, but you'll get
#			used to it. Here is how I translate between VirtuaLight and Blender:
#				AreaLight(bulb):	Lamp + sphere
#				AreaLight(plane):	Lamp + square (not implemented yet)
#				BlackHole:	Lamp + negative
#				DirectionalLight:	Sun
#				PointLight:	Lamp
#				SkyLight+Sunlight:	Hemi
#				SpotLight:	Spot
#			Note that "ClipEnd" will adjust VirtualLight's Falloff variable
#				(i.e. I couldn't find a suibtable value in blender)
#		The QUAD button in lights (f2) will make certain lamps Quadratic
#			instead of linear.
#		SunLight can be incredibly bright, consider commenting it out in the
#			scene vib file and using other lights instead.  The Dist value
#			affects the SunLight shadow; energy affects SkyLight intensity.
#		BlackHole element "Density" is set by lamp's Distance in blender.
#	KnownBugs with output mechanism:
#		The script itself should always work; however, the ouput may cause
#			parse errors with VirtuaLight (I handle most of them).
#		Stray vertices will cause either a parse error (due to an empty Solid[]
#			or extra faces in the output.  Cannot be fixed without change in
#			Blender's python API.
#		I *think* VirtuaLight will work properly if Material and Mesh names
#			are identical.  If you want to be on the safe side, make sure
#			all names in blender are unique before you export.
#	Changes since 1.1:
#		- added initialization for abNormals variable, as it caused fluke
#			in some cases.  Thanks to bladesman for finding it.
#	Changes since 1.0:
#		- allow for unsmoothed quads and tris to retain UV coords by exporting
#			all mesh as TriangularPatches instead of Polygon.
#		- divide by zero fix
#		- documentation fix
#	Todo:
#		- Possible nurbs (blender api pending?)
#		- Possible metaballs (blender api pending?)
#		- Mini gui to modify stuff like lights, change mesh type, etc.
#		- Handle basic animations
#		- Someone with programming experience could convert some
#			blender procedural textures to VirtuaLight shaders
#		- Find work.. if anyone needs a Sysadmin or Network Admin in
#			the southern california area, please contact me ;]

# Optional Modifications
# I default rounding numbers to 4.  If you want more precision, change this
# But you NEED rounding, otherwise you might get numbers with "e" in them
# and VirtuaLight doesn't handle that.
r = 4

# Change "specType" to tell what type of Specular Highlights you want default
# in your materials.  I default to "Phong" because I like to say,
specType = 0
specHighlight = ["Phong", "Blinn", "Cook", "Reitz", "Gaussian"]

# Change append symbol.. use only [a-z][A-Z][0-9] and/or _
# This symbol is appended to all meshes and materials
appendor = "X"

# read further.. if you dare [maniacle laughter]

# sub functions - yes, I come from PERL
def multiply3x3(A, B):
	C = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]
	for i in range(3):
		for j in range(3):
			for k in range(3):
				C[i][j] = C[i][j] + A[i][k]*B[k][j]
	return C

def multiply3x1(A, B):
	C = [0,0,0]
	for i in range(3):
		for j in range(3):
			C[i] = C[i] + A[i][j]*B[j]
	return C

def parallelVector(rotX, rotY, rotZ, oAxis):
	# convert to radians
	rotX = rotX * pi/180
	rotY = rotY * pi/180
	rotZ = rotZ * pi/180
	# counterclockwise rotations about given axis through angle)
	Tx = [[1, 0, 0], [0, cos(rotX), -sin(rotX)], [0, sin(rotX), cos(rotX)]]
	Ty = [[cos(rotY), 0, sin(rotY)], [0, 1, 0], [-sin(rotY), 0, cos(rotY)]]
	Tz = [[cos(rotZ), -sin(rotZ), 0], [sin(rotZ), cos(rotZ), 0], [0, 0, 1]]
	Tm = multiply3x3(multiply3x3(Tz, Ty), Tx)
	return multiply3x1(Tm, oAxis)

def calcNormal(face, verts, n):
	# If it's a quad, calculate normal from diagonal instead
	# Assume verts are sorted in circular fasion (i.e. next to each other)
	m = (3 * n) | 1    # when n=0 (tri), m=1; when n=1 (quad), m=3
	vectorU = [verts[face[0]][0] - verts[face[2]][0],
	           verts[face[0]][1] - verts[face[2]][1],
	           verts[face[0]][2] - verts[face[2]][2]]
	vectorV = [verts[face[n]][0] - verts[face[m]][0],
	           verts[face[n]][1] - verts[face[m]][1],
	           verts[face[n]][2] - verts[face[m]][2]]
	normal = [(vectorU[1] * vectorV[2]) - (vectorU[2] * vectorV[1]),
	          (vectorU[2] * vectorV[0]) - (vectorU[0] * vectorV[2]),
	          (vectorU[0] * vectorV[1]) - (vectorU[1] * vectorV[0])]
	nLength = sqrt((normal[0] ** 2) + (normal[1] ** 2) + (normal[2] ** 2))
	# divide by zero check
	if not nLength: return "stray"
	else: return (normal[0]/nLength, normal[1]/nLength, normal[2]/nLength)

def removeDot(name, printResults = 1):
	# Blender automatically names duped objects with "."  Virtual light
	# does not play well with either that or other non-word characters.
	p = re.compile("\W")
	fixedName = p.sub("_", name)
		if printResults:
			print "%s renamed to %s..." % (name, fixedName)
	return fixedName

def prepareName(name, list, printResults = 1):
	# I felt bad for not handling reserved names, so this basically takes
	# care of that.  Just prepend a "X" to every name, and if it alread
	# exists, do it again.. hah, my first successful recursive function!
	m = re.compile("(.*?)(%s+$)" % appendor).search(name)
	if m: fixedName = lower( +
	else: fixedName = lower(name)
	fixedName = "%s%s" % (fixedName, appendor)
		fixedName = prepareName(fixedName, list, printResults)
		if printResults:
			print "%s renamed to %s..." % (name, fixedName)
	return fixedName

# variables
meshList = []
lampList = []
materialList = []
fixedMatList = []
fixedMeshList = []

# "Main"
scene  = Blender210.getCurrentScene()

# Setup Scene VIB File
if not os.path.isdir(savePath):
	print "#
#	Sorry path %s does not exist" % savePath
	print "#	Please make sure the path is there
	print "You will now see an error message:"
vibFileName = "%s%s.vib" % (savePath, outFile)
VIBFILE = open(vibFileName, "w")
VIBFILE.write("// Scene file converted from Blender by bruteforce

VIBFILE.write("Options [


# Setup Material VS File
vsFileName = "%s%s.vs" % (savePath, outFile)
VSFILE = open(vsFileName, "w")
VSFILE.write("// Shader file converted from Blender by bruteforce

VSFILE.write("ReadArchive \"statics.vib\"


# Setup Meshes directory, files handled later
meshPath = "%sMeshes" % (savePath)
if not os.path.isdir(meshPath):
	print "%s does not exist, creating" % meshPath

# camera export
	cameraObj = scene.getCurrentCamera()
	camera = Blender210.getCamera(
	display = Blender210.getDisplaySettings()
	aspect = display.yResolution / float(display.xResolution)
	print "Writing camera..."
	VIBFILE.write("Camera [
	VIBFILE.write("	(%s,%s,%s), " % (round(cameraObj.loc[0],r),
	lookAt = parallelVector(cameraObj.rot[0], cameraObj.rot[1], cameraObj.rot[2], (0,0,-1))
	# (a,b,c) = (x,y,z) + t(parallel vector) where t is some factor, I use 1
	lookAt = [cameraObj.loc[0] + lookAt[0], cameraObj.loc[1] + lookAt[1], cameraObj.loc[2] + lookAt[2]]
	VIBFILE.write("(%s,%s,%s), " % (round(lookAt[0],r),
	upAxis = parallelVector(cameraObj.rot[0], cameraObj.rot[1], cameraObj.rot[2], (0,1,0))
" % (round(upAxis[0],r),
	# which FoV is it, dammit!?
	VIBFILE.write("	FieldOfView %s
" % (360 * atan(aspect * 16 / camera.Lens) / pi))
	#VIBFILE.write("	FieldOfView %s
" % camera.Lens)
	VIBFILE.write("	Format(%s,%s)
"  % (display.xResolution, display.yResolution))
	# negative frame aspect ratio to prevent a mirrored image!
	# Thanks to Stephane Marty (virtualight author!) for this tip
	VIBFILE.write("	FrameAspectRatio -%s/%s
" % (display.xResolution, display.yResolution))
	VIBFILE.write("	Clipping(%s,%s)
" % (round(camera.ClSta,r), round(camera.ClEnd,r)))

	print("no camera found, defaulting
	VIBFILE.write("// No camera found, using some made up default
	VIBFILE.write("Camera [ (30,30,0), (0,0,0), (0,1,0) ]


# separate mesh and lights to nicely organize output files
# Note: materials are accessed different, wait until I'm inside the mesh export
for name in scene.objects:
	if Blender210.isMesh(name):
	if Blender210.isLamp(name):

# lamp export
for name in lampList:
	print "Writing lamp %s..." % name

	# define lights -- there's prolly a better way to do this
	vlights = ["AreaLight", "BlackHole", "DirectionalLight", "PointLight", "SkyLight", "SpotLight"]
	blights = {"Lamp": 3, "Spot": 5, "Sun": 2, "Hemi": 4}
	lampObj = Blender210.getObject(name)
	lamp = Blender210.getLamp(
	lampType = blights[lamp.type]
	# note that Lamp Mode will take precedence over Lamp Type
	if lamp.mode[1] == "1": lampType = 0 # sphere->arealight+bulb
	if lamp.mode[7] == "1": lampType = 0 # square->arealight+plane
	if lamp.mode[5] == "1": lampType = 1 # negative
	# begin writing -- some will have to change
	VIBFILE.write("// Lamp: %s
" % name) # Thanks to JamesK for this one
	if lampType == 1:
		VIBFILE.write("%s (" % vlights[lampType])
		VIBFILE.write("(%s,%s,%s), %s, " % (round(lampObj.loc[0],r),
		VIBFILE.write("'%s,%s,%s'" % (1 - lamp.R, 1 - lamp.G, 1 - lamp.B))
" % lamp.Energ)
	if lampType == 4:
		VIBFILE.write("%s (" % vlights[lampType])
		VIBFILE.write("%s, " % (lamp.Dist * 5))
		VIBFILE.write("'%s,%s,%s', " % (lamp.R, lamp.G, lamp.B))
" % lamp.Energ)
		# calculate sun light
		if lampObj.rot[1] <= 90 and lampObj.rot[1] >= -90:
			degrees = round(lampObj.rot[1],r)
			hours = 12 - int(degrees / 15)
			minutes = 2 * int(degrees % 30)
			VIBFILE.write("SunLight(%02d:%02d, %s)

" % (hours, minutes, lamp.Dist))
		else: VIBFILE.write("
		VIBFILE.write("%s [
" % vlights[lampType])
		# separate the differences
		if lampType == 0:
			if lamp.mode[7] == "0":
				VIBFILE.write("	Bulb ((%s,%s,%s), %s)
" % (round(lampObj.loc[0],r),
		elif lampType == 2:
			lightFrom = parallelVector(lampObj.rot[0], lampObj.rot[1], lampObj.rot[2], (0,0,-1))
			VIBFILE.write("	(%s,%s,%s)
" % (round(lightFrom[0],r),
		elif lampType == 3:
			VIBFILE.write("	(%s,%s,%s)
" % (round(lampObj.loc[0],r),
		elif lampType == 5:
			VIBFILE.write("	(%s,%s,%s), " % (round(lampObj.loc[0],r),
			lightFrom = parallelVector(lampObj.rot[0], lampObj.rot[1], lampObj.rot[2], (0,0,-1))
			VIBFILE.write("(%s,%s,%s), " % (round(lightFrom[0],r),
			VIBFILE.write("%s, " % lamp.SpoSi)
			# NOTE: this value is supposed to be "Falloff," but I couldn't find
			# a suibtable replacement in blender for it -- so using clipEnd for now
			VIBFILE.write("%s, " % lamp.ClipEnd)
" % round(lamp.SpoBl,r))

		# put all similar attribs together here
		VIBFILE.write("	Intensity '%s,%s,%s'*%s
" % (lamp.R, lamp.G, lamp.B, lamp.Energ))
		# This one sets the quadratic thingy -- take a look at
		# equation in blender for the quad1 and quad2 settings,
		# maybe important to add as factor to INTENSITY
		if lamp.mode[0] == "1":
			VIBFILE.write("	Decay QUADRATIC
		if lamp.mode[6] == "1":
			VIBFILE.write("	LightingAttributes SHADOW
		elif lamp.mode[6] == "0" and lamp.mode[2] == "0":
			VIBFILE.write("	LightingAttributes SPECULAR
		if lamp.mode[7] == "0":
			VIBFILE.write("	MediaInteraction
			if lampType != 5 and lamp.mode[3] == "1":
				VIBFILE.write("	Glow %s
" % lamp.HaInt)


# mesh export
for name in meshList:
	# Check for empty meshes
	meshObj = Blender210.getObject(name)
	mesh = Blender210.getMesh(
	faces = mesh.faces
	if not faces: continue

	# Check for "." in name, then make sure name is unique
	fixedName = removeDot(name)
	fixedName = prepareName(fixedName, fixedMeshList)

	print "Writing mesh %s as %s..." % (name, fixedName)

	meshFileName = ("%s/%s.vib" % (meshPath, fixedName))
	MESHFILE = open(meshFileName, "w")
	MESHFILE.write("// Mesh Structure exported from Blender by bruteforce

	MESHFILE.write("Declare %s = Solid [
" % fixedName)
	VIBFILE.write("ReadArchive \"%s\"
" % meshFileName)
	VIBFILE.write("%s [
" % fixedName)

	materials = meshObj.materials
	vertices = mesh.vertices
	vnormals = mesh.normals
	texcoords = mesh.texcoords
	abNormals = 0

	# get a list of materials for later
	for material in materials:
			if material: materialList.append(material)

	# You have to add textures yourself
	if mesh.texture:
		VSFILE.write("// Mesh %s has UV Coords applied to it.  If you wish to add textures,
" % name)
		VSFILE.write("// please read the VirtauLight docs for more info on adding UV Textures

		print "Please read the VirtuaLight docs for adding UV Textures"

	# the j is to keep track what iteration I'm on in the
	# "for face in faces" loop so I can make sure I'm on the
	# right set of UV coords
	j = 0
	totalFaces = len(faces) - 1
	for face in faces:
		if face[3]: totalVerts = 4
		else: totalVerts = 3

		# gets us a normalized face normal
		if not face[4]:
			normals = calcNormal(face, vertices, totalVerts - 3)
			# if we have a divide by zero in normal calculation,
			# then we absolutley have a stray vertex or two
			if normals == "stray":
				totalFaces = totalFaces - 1
				abNormals = 1
				print "WARNING: stray vertices found"
				print "WARNING: output may not be as expected"

		# triangles
		if not (totalVerts - 3):
			MESHFILE.write("	Shape [TriangularPatch (")
			for i in range(totalVerts):
				MESHFILE.write("(%s,%s,%s), " % (round(vertices[face[i]][0],r),
				# use vertex normals if smoothed, else print face normal
				if face[4]:
					MESHFILE.write("(%s,%s,%s)" % (round(vnormals[face[i]][0],r),
					MESHFILE.write("(%s,%s,%s)" % (round(normals[0],r),
				# add texcoords, if any
				if texcoords:
					MESHFILE.write(" UV=%s,%s" % (round(texcoords[j][i][0],r),
				if i != totalVerts - 1: MESHFILE.write(", ")
		# create triangle if face is QUAD
		# So who's your daddy now?
			MESHFILE.write("	Shape [TriangularPatch (")
			for i in range(totalVerts - 1):
				MESHFILE.write("(%s,%s,%s), " % (round(vertices[face[i]][0],r),
				# use vertex normals if smoothed, else print face normal
				if face[4]:
					MESHFILE.write("(%s,%s,%s)" % (round(vnormals[face[i]][0],r),
					MESHFILE.write("(%s,%s,%s)" % (round(normals[0],r),
				# add texcoords, if any
				if texcoords:
					MESHFILE.write(" UV=%s,%s" % (round(texcoords[j][i][0],r),
				if i != totalVerts - 2:
					MESHFILE.write(", ")
					if materials and materials[face[5]]:
						fixedMatName = removeDot(materials[face[5]], 0)
						fixedMatName = prepareName(fixedMatName, materialList, 0)
						MESHFILE.write(") %s ]+
" % fixedMatName)
						MESHFILE.write(") ]+
			MESHFILE.write("	Shape [TriangularPatch (")
			for i in range(totalVerts - 1):
				I = i + 2
				if I > (totalVerts - 1): I = 0
				MESHFILE.write("(%s,%s,%s), " % (round(vertices[face[I]][0],r),
				# use vertex normals if smoothed, else print face normal
				if face[4]:
					MESHFILE.write("(%s,%s,%s)" % (round(vnormals[face[I]][0],r),
					MESHFILE.write("(%s,%s,%s)" % (round(normals[0],r),
				# add texcoords, if any
				if texcoords:
					MESHFILE.write(" UV=%s,%s" % (round(texcoords[j][I][0],r),
				if I != 0: MESHFILE.write(", ")
		# if the face has material, add it here
		if materials and materials[face[5]]:
			fixedMatName = removeDot(materials[face[5]], 0)
			fixedMatName = prepareName(fixedMatName, materialList, 0)
			MESHFILE.write(") %s ]" % fixedMatName)
		else: MESHFILE.write(") ]")
		# if faces still exist, csg them with (+)
		if j == totalFaces: MESHFILE.write("
		elif j == totalFaces - 1 and abNormals: MESHFILE.write("
		else: MESHFILE.write("+

		j = j + 1

	abNormals = 0

	# Prints out the final material


	# I apply the transformations DIRECT, rather than using Blender's "loc, rot, size"
	# because I was getting some weird ass results.  *shrug*
	#VIBFILE.write("	TransformationStack [
	VIBFILE.write("	Transform (
			%s,%s,%s,%s," \
			%s,%s,%s,%s," \
			%s,%s,%s,%s," \
			%s,%s,%s,%s"  \
		)" % (
	#VIBFILE.write("	]


# material export
for name in materialList:
	# Check for "." in name, then make sure name is unique
	fixedName = removeDot(name)
	fixedName = prepareName(fixedName, fixedMatList)
	print "Writing material %s as %s..." % (name, fixedName)
	material = Blender210.getMaterial(name)
	VSFILE.write("Declare %s = Shader [ PlainSurface [
" % fixedName)
	VSFILE.write("	Color '%s,%s,%s'
" % (material.R, material.G, material.B))
	if material.Emit >= 0.1:
		VSFILE.write("	Ka %s
" % material.Emit)
	VSFILE.write("	Kd %s
" % material.Ref)
	VSFILE.write("	Ks (%s, '%s,%s,%s')
" % (material.Spec, material.SpecR, material.SpecG, material.SpecB))
	VSFILE.write("	%sSpecularBRDF %s
" % (specHighlight[specType], (-45*material.Hard)/254 + (45*255)/254))
	VSFILE.write("	Kt (%s, %s, '%s,%s,%s')
" % (1.0 - material.Alpha, 1.333, material.MirR, material.MirG, material.MirB))
	VSFILE.write("	]



print "GI Blender... complete

have fun

glad to see it worked.

PS: sorry if that sounds like I’m whining, but you wrote my nickname as “teeth”, so I edited it.

heh heh ‘teeth’ fancy that.

he he he :smiley: :smiley:

ewww gross

here is the file!

Thanks Dotblend this is appriciated.