i can’t figure out how to add caustics to my images. i tried this in the shader file:
// Shader file converted from Blender by bruteforce
ReadArchive "statics.vib"
Declare floorX = Shader [ PlainSurface [
Color '0.621052622795,0.639097750187,0.645112812519'
Kd 0.800000011921
Ks (0.0395683422685, '1.0,1.0,1.0')
PhongSpecularBRDF 44
Kt (0.0, 1.333, '1.0,1.0,1.0')
Declare jemX = Shader [ PlainSurface [
Color '0.13533835113,0.481202989817,0.992481231689'
Kd 1.0
Ks (2.0, '1.0,1.0,1.0')
PhongSpecularBRDF 22
Kt (0.302158296108, 1.333, '1.0,1.0,1.0')
Caustics 0.5 <---------------------------------added that there
what am i doing wrong here? am i not adding the right things? i am using vlight gui, is there something i have to set there to render caustics, seeing that i already added it to the shader file? my file is a simple scene with a plane, and three gems stting there.