Visualizing indices in the 3D view

vincentweb: that’s fine. This script is just a simple code snippet, so no need to get fancy on crediting me.

Since it wasn’t all that clear on how to use the script, I’ve set up a page with the full information (illustrated with images). It describes how to use a space handler, with the Index Visualizer script as an example. You can find it here.

i’m using the latest blender version 2.49b

and i’m unable to find the panel shown on your web page
don’t know how to get there
can you explain some more ?

also i took a picture for the text editor window

there seems to be something about script with an ICO of a snake don’t know may be that 's the same thing your talking if you have this version ?

see pic


I think I love you. Generally a very useful script and just what I needed right now. Thank You.

Thank you so much Crouch
You saved me a ton of time and you make the world a better place :smiley:

In SVN 31826 (at least) the old script does not work, there are some small changes needed (if one knows … some hours of investigation for me)

We really NEED a site where the ‘scripters’ say what has to be changed from … to …!

Here my success: Blender 2.53 (naturally!!!) the change of registering!

def register():
    bpy.types.Scene.display_indices = IntProperty(attr="display_indices", default=0)
    bpy.context.scene.display_indices = 0
    bpy.types.Scene.display_sel_only = BoolProperty(attr="display_sel_only", name="Select only",
        description="Only display indices of select vertices/edges/faces",
    bpy.types.Scene.display_vert_index = BoolProperty(attr="display_vert_index", name="Vertices",
        description="Display vertex indices", default=True)
    bpy.types.Scene.display_edge_index = BoolProperty(attr="display_edge_index", name="Edges",
        description="Display edge indices")
    bpy.types.Scene.display_face_index = BoolProperty(attr="display_face_index", name="Faces",
        description="Display face indices")
#    bpy.types.register(IndexVisualiser)
#    bpy.types.VIEW3D_PT_view3d_display.prepend(menu_func)

#    pass

Example (for computing the longest path):

Has anyone thought of using this script to generate a 3d view for the red blue glasses?
Have an offset value for the distance away from the camera, create a blue dot on a vert if its 1 unit away from the offset, move it *1.1 unit to the right, create a red dot on the same vert move it *-1.1 unit to the left if its 2 units away *2.2 … would that work?

I think, that it is possible to compute distance to the (selected) camera and use this to display a dot in any color (RGB is set in the script) where you want and a second one at once too.
the addon working in blender 2.54 can be found in a post from me from today here:
Look how the numbers are written to the screen …

is there an update of the script for blender 2.57?
there is a way to change the id of a face?

As long as the “visualise indices” modal operator is running it is still possible to edit the mesh but the possibility to UNDO the applied changes is lost (actually it is not but what the UNDO seems to do first is to go back in the modal loop of the visualise indices…)
Is there a way to keep the indices visualisation loop outside the history?