
Currant bushes in my garden are full of berries, are not mature yet but soon we gorge ourselves vitamins.
This picture I was inspired by Gleb Alexandrov’s tutorial about light at He had made a picture with bottles on a table as it looks like the day after a party, but because I am a grandmother who sometimes tend to boil lemonade, so my version of the picture is this …
And I think that you should always do your own version of tutorials, not just copy straight off and the lessons learned on the course remains in the memory better.

Great picture! I really like the sun rays.

Thank you. The sunrays are made with volumetric shatter.

Nice job. Glass material could use something though I think. Great though!

I used this setup of nodes on this, and I know that there is many different ways to do glass nodes.
Any suggestion on what the best glassnode setup is?
And since this image is with volumetric it could use some more samples, on this it’s 1000 samples if I remember it right.

I personally like to make glass with just a glass shader (usually white) on the surface, and a colored volumetric absorption for the color of the glass. If you set the material to Homogeneous, you almost won’t notice it’s using a volume!

Thank you I shall try that next time. I had forgotten about the Homegenus setting, have used it earlier.

Where is the focal point? It’s too flat i think. Good part of this render is light, rly nice rays :slight_smile:

The image has very few colors, so I think that the red color of the juice acts as a focal point.
Take a look at this tutorial: